Putin's Gun, what type? (pic)

Para Bellum

New member
Here's Putin with his handgun. What model and caliber is that? Old Tokarev?



New member
Putin's a baad mutha.

  • black belt (6th dan) in judo
  • Former KGB agent

Putin quotes:

Putin on Chechen extremists, on September 24, 1999: "We'll follow terrorists everywhere. We will corner the bandits in the s***house and wipe them out."

In response to those who called Putin to enter talks with Chechen separatists after the Beslan school hostage crisis, on September, 2004: "Why don't you meet Osama bin Laden, invite him to Brussels or to the White House and engage in talks, ask him what he wants and give it to him so he leaves you in peace? You find it possible to set some limitations in your dealings with these bastards, so why should we talk to people who are child-killers? No one has a moral right to tell us to talk to childkillers."

"Russia doesn't negotiate with terrorists. Russia destroys them."

After the tragedy of Beslan, Putin explained the failure of Russia's Security Services with the sentence "We were weak. And the weak are being beaten."

When a reporter asked why he invited Hamas to the Kremlin for talks, Putin answered "Burning bridges – especially in politics – is the easiest, but not the most effective thing to do. This is why we don't rush to declare an organization to be terrorist, and try to work with everyone in this explosive region."


Para Bellum

New member
I never understood, why the russians shifted from 7,62x25 to the weak 9x18 Marakov?

I never understood, why the russians shifted from 7,62x25 to the weak 9x18 Marakov? :confused:

Red Grant

New member
9x18mm is the probably the most powerful round that can be safely deployed in simple blow back pistol with reasonable size and weight, and felt recoil.

Simple blow back pistol is easier to manufacture and maintain than other short recoil pistols. (That was why I think they made the switch.)

Also easier to train for mass conscrip army.

Also easier to fire in short full-auto burst from Stechkin. (Can you imagine shooting full auto 7.62 in comparison?)

By the way, Leroy Thompson raved about Stechkin.