Put panic buying money toward NRA

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New member
I urge everyone out there rushing to buy all the guns, mags, and ammo their credit cards will hold, to consider putting it toward the NRA (or other 2A group if you wish). When they are ringing you up at the register think about which is more important.

Image if half of the money spent in a panic this weekend went to the NRA, what our community can accomplish.

This is not over yet, we have not lost. Put your money into the fight instead of preparing for defeat.


New member
sounds good to me, something. I understand the panic buying, I bought $250 worth of mags yesterday. But it just dawned on me, if all this money that has been spent this weekend went toward fighting imagine what a difference that would make
good sentiment but we already have a thread on this very subject going in law and civil rights, and this is not the proper form for this discussion.

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