Put my Tax return to good use

last Wednesday I decided that I would buy a new gun with my tax return. I usually don't spend my tax return as I put it into my emergency fund, but that fund is pretty healthy.

So I drove two hours to the only gun store that had what I was looking for; an S&W E-series 1911SC. I really wanted an all black version but all they had was the two-tone. The look actually grew on me. I looked the gun over very meticulously and found no defects.....:mad: The gun felt great in the hand and I couldn't believe how light it was, this will be a carry/fun gun. So I slapped the cash on the table.

I drove home anxiously wanting to get out and shoot it before it got dark. Now I will add that I was getting off a 12 hour shift when I drove up to get the gun and was very hungry before I shot the gun. When I was sighting I was seeing double targets and my eyes did not want to focus on the front sight. It’s amazing what fatigue and hunger can do to your shooting abilities:eek:

Now I want to add that just before I started to shoot. I noticed that the front sight looked to be centered incorrectly. It was favoring the right so I was expecting the gun to shoot to the left. I was correct the gun did shoot to the left.

The gun came with an 8rnd mag. and a 7rnd flush fit mag. I fired 2 boxes of Magtech 230gr. FMJs, 1 box of my 230gr Hornady XTP reloads and 2 boxes of 230gr Lead round nose reloads. All ammo cycled without a hiccup through the factory mags that came with it. However; I did shoot some of the Lead round nose reloads using some of my cheap springfield Amory 7 rnd GI mags and with two of those mags (out 10) would jam upon the last round trying to go into the chamber, didn't bother me because these are range mags not carry mags.

All and all the fit and finish Of THE GUN was great. All cuts were even, there was no slop in the trigger and it broke clean and crisp. Recoil was very manageable. The slide to frame fit was tight and the ambi-safety (I could do without) was nice and smooth, no grittiness. Plus I really liked the feel of the Bobtail!

Accuracy of the gun was excellent despite the front sight not being centered. On that note when I got home I was going to drift the sight myself but just before doing so I decided that I wanted to check out the night sights. So I turned off the lights and low and behold both dots on the rear sight glowed but the front sight wasn't:mad: Well I called S&W and they are going to replace the front sight and make sure that it is centered correctly this time. They are paying for everything of course but it still sucks that I had to send it back after only owning it a few hours! Once it comes back though and everything is good I'm going to fall in love with it.

Side note disassembly & reassembly was easy and required no tools.

I shot this eight round group at 7 yards. I shot the gun out to 15 yards and it shot pretty close to the 7 yard group but a little more to the left, as expected. I would have taken it out to 25 yards but I was really, really tired and hungry and I just couldn't get my eyes focused so I called it quits.

He is a crappy picture I took with my phone; I will post more once I get it back.


New member
I only have good things to say about S&W customer service. At least in my experience. If you track your package/gun I doubt it will be in their shop as long as a few hours and it will be back on its way to you.


New member
Man S&W has some beautiful looking 1911s Glad to see there doing well. There really aren't many reviews out there on them. Love the front and rear cocking serrations on the S&Ws. I'm not wild about exterior extractors and i still love the S&Ws.
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wild cat mccane

New member
that's a lot of writing to say you put it in a Roth IRA or other retirement account to double the money in 15 years...oh. you didn't. :D


New member
Just bought this over the weekend. Hasn't left my side as long as I am home. I had a mediocre range day with it at first, no sleep and was jerking like hell, but on the second tip out did well. It's just an amazingly sexy gun. :cool:
Well I finally got my gun back from S&W. Took about three weeks, but its back in my hands. Front sight is perfectly centered now and all dots are glowing!!:) This is a sweet shooting gun and it carries very well.

So which magazines do you guys like more, Chip or Wilson? I want to get a few more good quallity mags.