Purchasing a Firearm overseas...and bringing it home.?


New member
I was wondering is anyone up to the task, or have they any experience in this regard.
Perhaps someone could tell with some details if this can still be done.

You see I was wondering if with the current changes in firearms laws in the last 5 years here in the good old USA.

Could someone go overseas, see a firearm NOT banned from importation....purchase it and have it shipped to a stateside FFL dealer.

I've never thought to visit a GUN shop while traveling...how do the prices compare on Eourpean manufactured firearms.....In the country of origin...compared to here.

Must you use a FFL holder with an import license as well.

Can an American purchase a firearm overseas with his FID card....or do European countries have much diffrent requirments for purchase qualifications that a traveler has NO time to complete or chance to comply with.

Can you still purchase a firearm in ENGLAND...let's say.?
Since all the Hullaballo' over private firearm ownership in that country for example.

Can you buy in Germany, Belguim..etc.

If you bought it could you just enter the country with it as baggage...after filling out the proper customs forms?
Are there customs forms for this..?

You get the idea, looking forward to anything someone could post on this subject.

I remain your Humble and Obediant servant,

[This message has been edited by WOLF (edited January 24, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by WOLF (edited January 24, 2000).]


New member
I do not have answers to your questions but there is a website: www.pmdtc.org which handles granting permission/licenses for import and export of Defense goods and that includes handguns and longguns.You should be able get your answers there.


New member
An FFL holder I know helped one of his friends bring a couple Walthers in a few years back. Said by the time all the hoops had been jumped through and all the various licensing fees, duties, and tariffs had been paid, actually spent more than buying here to begin with. On the other hand, if it's something you just have to have (for whatever reason), guess that might be worth it to you...

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36

James K

Member In Memoriam
The rules are different for each country. Generally, non-citizens cannot buy firearms, even where citizens can. Plus each country has different export laws. To import into the U.S., permission is needed from both BATF and State Dept. Doing this on a one shot basis is not easy, as the one poster points out.

The easiest guns to bring back are antiques. Next are sporting shotguns. Hardest to buy overseas are handguns, which in some countries are simply banned for the general public.

Do not listen to those who have had experience with the U.S. military. Buying a gun at the PX and bringing it back in a HHG shipment is the same as if it were bought in the U.S.



New member
Wolf, This is from personal experince in 1990. While station in Germany i purchased a CZ-75 got all the paper work done and was changing duty station to Texas. Flew into the St Louis airport. Are plane was late getting in and my other flight was about ready to leave and so i asked the ticket agent about my luggage I was told to bring it to her and she would put it on the plane i told her that i had a weapon, she still told me to bring it to her. I went and retive my luggage and was placing it on the x-ray machine and told the person that i had a pistol, he stated i was going to jail for sneaking a pistol in my luggage. The Pistol didnt make it thru the machine after i told him i had it he then ran it thru. He thought it was in my duffle bag It was by its self was in a pistol case with a lock and a bright orange sticker marking it as a firearm.
The police were called , statments were taken, the LEO when and talk to the ticket agent and she stated that she had told me to bring my luggage to her.
I missed my flight to Lexington,Ky were my family was waiting and got to spend a night in the airport. The LEO told me i did nothing wrong that eveything was ok.
Then later i recive some paper charging me with a civil fine of $1500.00. i went to Jag got a lawyer to help me fight this. The statement of the x-ray person was that he found it and i had said nothing about it.
I was told i could fight it and proabaly win, but would have to go to St Louis get a laywer and would be out more than the fine. the end results, the Jag lawyer was able to work it out that i only had to pay $150.00 fine at $50.00 month, because Desert Sheild was going on. Also while i was there another guy (civilian) was caught with a loaded pistol in his suitcase.
Sorry this is long but it feels good to vent it.

[This message has been edited by RDF (edited January 25, 2000).]