Purchase Plans

roy reali

New member
A good friend of mine has a ton of guns, way more then me. I don't think any of his guns were impulse purchases. In fact, his research leading to a firearm purchase would make a biochemist proud.

He starts off with a real need. Lets say he draws an antelope tag and none of his rifles are "perfect" for this game. He then will spend weeks looking at reloading data and ballistic charts about cartridges that would work. He talks to dealers, gunsmiths, and other shooters. So he finally decides that he'll use a .25-06 Remington.

Now he will spend weeks doing the same research in finding the best rifle in that chambering. He'll visit gun stores, gun shows, pawn shops and websites. He even keeps a note pad to write stuff down in. Months later he has his new antelope rifle, but it won't be ready until he goes thrpough the same process in finding a scope.

I wonder how he has ended up with so many guns. I am the complete opposite of him.

There are certain guns I need, and I own some guns that I realy don't need. I don't plan on buying guns, it just happens. I'll go into a gun shop and spot one that tickles my fancy for some reason. I walk out of the shop with the gun. Today I am going to purchase an old Hi Standard pistol in .380ACP. I have guns that will do what that gun can. I already have a pistol chambered in .380ACP. So why do I buy it? Call it an impulse.

How do you plan your gun purchases? Are you more like my friend, you look for a gun to fill a purpose and then do meticulous research to find the perfect one, or are you more like me, you buy guns on impulse?


New member
Some I want just from researching///(nothing to do with performance)..and some I just walk into a shop and see it....then buy it.:eek:


New member
How do you plan your gun purchases? Are you more like my friend, you look for a gun to fill a purpose and then do meticulous research to find the perfect one, or are you more like me, you buy guns on impulse?

well, I only own 1 rifle but I did quite a bit of research before I settled on mine. making an impulse purchase on a firearm isn't very practical for me, as the firearm in question has to suit my needs. I wouldn't rush out and buy a .300 win mag because I don't need one. buying a gun just to own a gun seems foolish to me. my boss owns a handgun, .22 and pump shotgun....I doubt he knows how to properly handle them aside from the .22.


New member
The hunt for just the right piece is most the fun, however when opertunity knocks one must act or face that regret later. I bought a ruger 77 MK II in .270 with a 6x18 simmons master series scope for $400. I didn't need the rifle but I did need a scope at the time - the price was right. On the other hand I was doing some restoration work and the old lady I was working for offered me her late husbands P38 with holster and mags for $400. I didn't jump and have regretted it. On the planned front is a Panther LT308L which I intend to have in operation by next deer season, I've also found the scope mount and am currently researching a scope for it.:cool:
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New member
I've always found that the hunt for the right weapons to be as much fun as the Hunt you will be using it for. At least you don't have to stand around with the other guys, holding your wife's purse.


New member
So is having a young hot mistress on the side. But both can also be quite enjoyable.

true :cool:

but seriously, I'd rather take quality and practicality over quantity. anyone can accumulate guns but needing them for certain things versus wanting them are two separate things.