PUNCH for Christmas

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2 qts Hawian punch
1 1/2 qts 100% vodka
1 1/2 qts 151% run(clear)
1/4 pt 56% sloe gin
1 cup sugar
1 bottle cherries(not too much juice)
5 lemons (juice only)
pinch of bullseye(to keep it in gun topic)

Ends up at 105 proof
Hangover cure
1 qt tequla(100% +)
1 qt rum(151%)clear
1 qt vodka
1 qt tomato juice
2 teasspoon worshire sauce
add salt to taste
Optional dash of unique(to keep it on topic

I drank 6 waterglass's full,stood up and that was the last I remember.Did tast very good though

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Sounds like a deadly mix that only "Slippery" Jim DeGriz aka "The Stainless Steel Rat" would attempt to drink.

Oh - You left out the Hot Pups and Y.U.K - E. Combat rations.
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