Pumpkin Cannon - "10 pound pumpkin punches through the rear of a 1978 Pontiac."


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CNN on the Pumpkin Cannon

Pretty soon the Dianne Feinsteins of the world will be after these. He estimates the range could be up to 5 miles.

Ka-POW! goes the pumpkin

Mechanic develops grand gourd gun

NOBLESVILLE, Indiana (AP) --Jim Bristoe is getting a blast out of his pumpkin cannon.

Bristoe figures his 30-foot-long, two-ton contraption can fire the orange orbs up to five miles. On Saturday, he entered his launcher in the Pumpkin Propulsion Contest, where the cannon far outclassed the competition.

So Bristoe stepped aside and let the lesser rivals compete for top honors.

"I actually bowed out of the money race and let the guys with the catapults compete," Bristoe said. "I only shot at 20 pounds of pressure and a 10-degree angle, and still cleared their whole range."

Bristoe, a 42-year-old electrician and mechanic, estimates his cannon's range at about 5 miles. He's yet to fire the cannon at full power, although a pumpkin fired in a demonstration last week went through the rear of a Pontiac.

Bristoe wowed the crowd at Saturday's contest by using the cannon to launch toilet paper rolls.

"Everyone up there loved it. They let me shoot 36 rolls of toilet paper through the gun," he said. "That was impressive. They got about 200 feet in the air and then just unrolled."

Meanwhile, he is looking for better competition.

"I intend on shooting in competition, and I'm going to change my barrel size to regulation so I can compete with the other big guns," he said. "That'll be next year, when pumpkins are ripe again. This is way too much fun to stop."


New member
Yeah, and don't forget to get it "finger printed" .... and ...

.. be sure not damn to exceed the 10-shot limit on the magazine.

(Darn high-cap pumpkin guns may result in a crime spree!)


New member
The estimated five miles range of this pumpkin-cannon surely is grossly exaggregated.
500 yards is a more credible maximum range.
The gas-pressure needed to accelerate a pumpkin to a sufficient velocity for a 5 mile flight must inevitably crush it to pulp (a pumpkin is rather soft compared to a cannon shell).

But nevertheless a REALLY great fun-gun! :) :) :)


New member
I don't think that he'll be competitive with the big boys... PunkinChunkin' done been around for a while...

Chuck Dye

New member
The NPR report said velocity is 900mph. That's 1320fps. Anybody know the ballistic coefficient of a 10lb pumpkin?


New member
I know this qualifies as fourth hand info, but............

I heard on Paul Harvey today that Mr. Bristoe did fire a pumpkin for a distance of one mile, and aspires to build one that will make five miles. Paul's story does not jibe with the link provided, so maybe his story provider got some facts wrong.

I wondered the other day how you could push a pumpkin to 1300 FPS without turning it into mush. They must use hard little buggers.

Chuck Dye

New member
If I have remembered my high school physics correctly, and assuming a uniform acceleration (not likely, but makes the calculation easier and actually minimizes peak acceleration), the pumpkin would have to withstand 903 g. Hard to believe. By comparison, my favorite .30-06 load out of my Model 70 calculated out to 71,975 g. Sheesh! No wonder bullets tend to obturate!


New member
When I was at college we were going to build one but then though better of it, we could just imagine hitting someone on I20 with a pumpkin. :eek: Sure would have been cool to watch though. :D


New member
Our pumpkin gun, Johnney Pumpkinseed, features a 40 foot barrel, and 90 cu ft of air storage. So far, we find that yellow pumpkins collapse at about 25G, so you need a really long barrel to accelerate smoothly in, and a lot of air to keep the acceleration as high as possible without crushing the pumpkin. The gun called "Second Amendment" has 120 ft of barrel, and has achieved about 4400 ft.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but airguns are limited to subsonic muzzle velocities, and it requires just about sonic velocity to get 1 mile of range.


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I would love to see you shoot it, I live nearby. Drop me a message if you would tolerate a silent spectator.

Charlie D

New member

They should bring that "Second Amendment" out to Delaware. They'd be a winner. Delaware seems to be the "official" site of the World Championship of Punkin' Chunkin'. The 2001 winner shot 3911.02'.

Click on "Winner 2001"

I clicked on "rules" and they say no wadding etc. They say nothing about freezing the pumpkin.

As far as the guy in the CNN article goes, it's sad how some people can hoodwink the ignorant media.


New member
You can't justify these "assault cannons". They're made to kill, that's they're only purpose. Why else would you hurl a projectile through a car, unless to hurt someone!?!?!?!?!?

These must have been "Kop Killer" pumpkins, too.


New member
You can't justify these "assault cannons".

Can't classify it as an "assault cannon." It doesn't have a bayonet lug or flash suppressor. Gotta be one of those "High Powered" cannons.


New member
Assault cannon

Alas, I can't find the picture, but we do have a flash hider, a promenent pistol grip, and a bayonet lug to install on our gun. There is a picture of this among the photos of the "Jack-O-Launch" at dug.org. We also carry up to 15 pumpkins in a large basket (magazine), so we're an assault weapon in the city of Denver. :p
Udall (that's the name!) pumpkins are green wheen ripe, heavily ribbed, and far more "armor piercing" than the orange variety.