Pulled bullet problems

Sky Master

New member
Was pulling some 158gr JHP .357 mag bullets with an inertia bullet puller when just the lead came out leaving the jacket still in the case. Haven't figured out how to get the jacket out. Tried needle nose pliers, didn't work. Don't know if firing just a jacket is safe or using a tube cutter on the case to cut the case to separate tie components. Not safe to throw the remaining loaded cases away.


New member

That's the kind of thing you can't make happen if you try. I usually put a patch or two inside the tool to avoid damaging the point of the bullet.

Just one round? If I have more than a few to pull I'll buy a collet type puller for my press. All considered it is much faster and easier. Repeatedly 'whacking' a mole gets old pretty quickly.

Sky Master

New member
Have a collet puller, it wouldn't hold on the the bullet which is why I went to the inertia puller. I have about 10 that the lead came out and jacket stayed in.


New member
Sounds like corrosion between the copper/brass components. I might try heat or Kroil/ATF, but for just 10 cases mebbe not...

Is it just a jacket material cup stuck in the case?


New member
Just put the case back in your press without a die or puller in it. Raise it all the way up and grab the bullet (whats left of it) with a pair of vise grips and then lower the press. It may take a lot of pressure if the case is crimped but it will come out eventually.

Sky Master

New member
I'll try the drilling the bottom of the jacket. I don't have needle nose vise grips just the larger ones that won't grip them. I'll use the vise grips I have to hold the case while drilling.


New member
What are you trying to save? The powder? The primer? The brass is pretty much gone if you are to cut it.

I will just chuck those in the dud bin in a firing range. Not worth the trouble and risk for whatever still left.


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Don Fischer

New member
I've had the same thing happen with cast rifle bullet's and inertial puller. Leaves the gas check in the case. O cut open the case and dump the powder attempt to destroy the primer wit oil and throw the case away. Seldom ever load jacketed in a handgun case. If that happened to me I would try drilling a hole in the bottom of the jacket, put a screw in it and then running the case up in the press to where I could get the screw with pliers and pull it. I have both the inertial puller and the collet puller. Much prefer the inertial puller. Both have their draw backs!


New member
Probably not worth the effort. Drill it, get powder out , pop the primer and throw em away.

Drill and tap it, then get a flat plate on top of your press,

Run the screw through it all and pull the press handle.

Likely it will come out easily (heavy crimp?)


New member
Is drilling really a good idea with the powder in the case? I guess may be okay with a manual drill. I’d do as others have said and toss it but I understand the obsession, I’m not gonna let it win. How about a long self tapping screw? That would give you something to grab hold of.

wild willy

New member
Use a self tapping screw or even a dry wall screw run it in as far as you can without hitting the primer.Put it in the shellholder on the press rise ram grip screw with pliers lower ram.A larger diameter screw works best.Pliers or vise grips usually just rip pieces of jacket off it will work with gas checks too
Was pulling some 158gr JHP .357 mag bullets with an inertia bullet puller when just the lead came out leaving the jacket still in the case.
I always thought a JHP bullets cannelure grove prevented such jacketed separations with normal seatings. I myself wouldn't bother trying to make inert. Keep one for a example of who's bullets not purchase from now on. >"Pitch the rest."

Jim Watson

New member
Not always.
I saw a core SHOT out of a JSP, too light a load for a jacketed bullet. Core hit the target, strange report not obvious through plugs, next shot bulged the barrel.

I'd just trash the round, components not worth the trouble.


New member
Have separated a rem 180 gn sjhp jacket by kinetic puller on loaded 357 round. Not too tough to do with the older cup n core pistol bullets. Upon reflection, and assuming there wasn't a specific reason the op wanted to save the components, much easier to not bother with it.


New member
I bet if you resize the case it’ll loosen the hold on the jacket.

Firing it should be safe assuming you verify the jacket makes it out the barrel.

You don’t seem concerned about saving the brass, bullets, primer or powder. At that point is just toss them. They aren’t going to pop off unless incinerated. If you’re concerned about them going off just throw them all into a plastic bottle full of water before throwing them out.


New member
If you run them up in the press with a seating die, screw in the seater so it gives the bullet a bit of a push deeper. May break the corrosion, or sealant. After that the wack a mole puller should work.


New member
Seat the jacket a little deeper to break the crimp . Then try inertia again...more than likely the needle nose pliers will have to be used . Might be able to save the case if you keep working the needle nose pliers and bending the jacket inwards.

Next time you pull bullets , seat then 1/16th inch deeper into the case to break the seal, this makes even crimped and sealed military ammo easier to pull .



New member
Sounds like a lot of trouble for just a few pieces of brass and primer. I’d throw those away myself.
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