Published reply to anti letter (Long)

James K

Member In Memoriam

I have found that the press will publish pro-gun letters if they are brief, informative, and have some humor. Chances of publication are better if the letter is a response to a prevously published letter. Here is a letter of mine that was published. The original letter was from a gun control proponent (name marked out here) who stated that she opposed media violence but that it was a minor problem and she would not "hold her breath" waiting for Republicans to support "reasonable" gun control.


Has xxxxxxx xxxx actually mellowed? Her description of the NRA as a “gun cult” [Gazette, Sept. 21] is certainly not up to her usual level of name-calling. Further, she now seems to contradict the gun ban lobby by admitting that there just might be causes of violence other than the legal ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens.

I hope that reasonable politicians will continue to oppose extremist gun control proposals, regardless of the status of Ms. xxxx’s breath holding. But she would also turn an interesting color should she hold her breath until Democrats support controls on media violence.

At one time, both Sen. Joe Lieberman and Mrs. "Tipper" Gore spoke out strongly against sex and violence in the media. But since the Vice-President pocketed $22 million from the Hollywood smut and slaughter merchants, the “principled” Sen. Lieberman has once again changed his mind, as he has done on so many other issues. As for “Tipper” Gore, she has been so silent that some of us suspect Paul Begala has her bound and gagged in his basement.


I first described the anti type as "name calling", which is true. "Nazi", "KKK", "Anti-Semite" have been among the terms she has used. I then turned her "reasonable" law comment on its head, equated gun control with extremism, and reasonableness with opposition to "extreme" measures. Then I brought up the point that Democrats would not try to control the media because Mr. Gore "pocketed" money. Of course, the money was in the form of legal campaign contributions, but the "pocketed" phrase is routinely used by the liberal press when conservative money is involved.

Then, I mentioned Sen. Lieberman's flip flops, a real problem for Gore.

A good letter? I don't know, but it was published, which is what is important.

Our letters are often filled with boring statistics or ranting about rights. We need to adopt new ideas and new techniques, including stealing from anti-gun rhetoric and techniques where appropriate.


Guy B. Meredith

New member
As long as she is on the subject of bigotry, you should point out that group characterization of gun owners as criminal scum falls under the same catagory--bigotry.

Apple a Day

New member

Those who use arms well cultivate the Way and keep the rules.Thus they can govern in such a way as to prevail over the corrupt- Sun Tzu, The Art of War