Public appology to Hogue


New member
My grips are ready, but the problem was with my credit card, and I should have expected that. The credit card company informed me that someone in Switzerland was charging my account, cancelled the card, and sent me a new card and account number.

Hogue grips do take some time to get, but part of the problem was on my end. They called last night and we got everything squared away, and they should be here in the next few days. :eek:


New member
So was your credit card information stolen?

Apparently so. I've never purchased anything from Switzerland, but with this internet thing-a-ma-do-hickey, there's no telling how they got ahold of my card info. I'm not out any money, but it was an inconvenience.


New member
This is a bit off of the topic, but it has to do with THIEVES!

A good buddy of mine thought that he had misplaced his cell phone. He took 2 days trying to locate it, to no avail. He then called the company that he has the phone contract with, and they told him that his cell phone had been used 6 times during the first day that he thought that it was merely misplaced. All 6 of those phone calls were to, of all places, GUATEMALA! He recalled seeing some "undocumented immigrants" working near his boat (my friend works on an oil rig boat), but didn't think that they had gotten close enough to the boat to steal anything. Guess he was wrong!

Yep, those "undocumented immigrants" do the things that most HONEST Americans wouldn't do!

(By the way, with all of the "out-sourcing" of jobs being done, ordering anything on-line (or over the phone) with a credit/charge card is an "iffy" proposition, even with supposedly "protected" web sites. Your card info ends up being sent to Pakistan, India, or some other foreign nation...or "off-shore" credit card "pirates"! My guess is that the "Switzerland" connection in this case was a diverted charge, through electronic means. Identity theft is quickly becoming a MAJOR problem!)


New member
Many Americans also get their paychecks from out of the country.
For some reason we can't even do payroll in the US anymore..... how sad.