PT1911 blued finish?


New member
I'm interested in the taurus pt1911. I've read that their blueing may be sub-par. The only things I'm finding are old discussions on the finish being thin.

What I'm wondering is has Taurus fixed their finish?

I'd prefer blue over stainless as I've already got a ss 1911.


New member
When one of my best friends wanted to buy a pistol he came to me because he did not know much about them. He liked my 1911, but did not want to spend the $$$ to get one like mine.

He went with the PT 1911 and is happy with it. However, the salesperson at the shop (Adventure Outdoors in Atl, GA) recommended that he get the stainless version because the blued version scratches very easily. Now that is as second hand as second hand can get, but those guys sell TONS of guns every year.


New member
Having had and carried one for a while, it will show holster wear rather quickly, and you may have to watch for rust if in a humid environment.


New member
Love the pt 1911 but the finish is not good.Mine shows holster ware.
but its not a safe queen it gets shot and cleaned often.If it ever becomes a problem Ill just dura coat it.


New member
i have a pt 1911 that i like very much. the blue finish was a concern to me after reading it was likely to wear quickly. i got the stainless model myself and never regreted it.

having said that i would buy a blued model. if the finish wore i would have the gun refinished in something more durable. after all it is the gun that is most important and it is a very good gun. all finishes wear eventually.


New member
Is guess if the finish wears & drives me nuts I could refinish it. But, then I'll have to ask more questions on finishes. It never ends.

Another ?. Carbon steel vs. Stainless steel? Is there a real difference in metal to metal wear? Or life expectancy?

Well, I've stashed half enough cash & hope to have the rest sometime in March. (Perfect timing. The snow will be starting to disappear)


New member
Looked at the duotone pt1911. I think I kinda like this one. It might eliminate some of my concern about the blueing issue. I still haven't made up my mind yet.

michael t

New member
Just get a American Classic Its better made better bluing .At a lower price.:) Also new Commander size coming soon in blue or hard chrome . Their will be more imported American Classic this year. Will be easier to find .


New member
My first 1911 was a Taurus blued model. The finish was very poor. It was done right, it just isn't as durable as normal bluing. It scratches VERY easily and tends to corrode faster than other guns with better bluing. I traded my blued Taurus 1911 for the stainless version and I've never looked back.