PT-145 Titanium -- does it even exist?


New member
A few months ago, Taurus was boosting the PT-145 with titanium slide, etc., on its website Since then, I've seen reviews and forum comments mentioning it. Now, there's no reference to it on the Taurus website, it's not mentioned in later reviews, and it's not listed as a model anywhere I've found.

17 ounces vs. 23 ounces, according to the rumors....

Has anybody seen one, touched one, or does anybody have any information that the critter actually exists beyond being the personal CCW choice of Sasquatch and leprechauns?


New member

Thanks! I'll make a favorite of the URL.

I wonder if they're having manufacturing problems with TI, or if the demand for the blue and SS models has swamped their manufacturing capacity.

In any event, a 17 ounce hand cannon should provide some serious bragging rights for Taurus. Alas, I don't expect it to be a joy to shoot....


New member
I haven't seen it yet. Heck, when I got mine, the blued one was the onlymodel that my FFL had in stock. He got a stainless on the next shipment. No titanium yet!!!
Latest tech on the titanium PT-145 was a double guide rod and springs system (like on the Desert Eagle). Guess they never were able to work the bugs out. They also tried to produce a titanium revolver chambered in .40 S&W and it too did not make the grade.

Taurus is one of those companies that sends out trial balloons well before a product is finalized. In many cases it takes them a year to get product to market from an initial advertising blitz. In these two cases, the technology was a bit beyond their means.



New member

I haven't seen one, but their 9mm TI Millenium is supposedly available. They're also pushing TI hard across their product line, and the images of the PT-145Ti look like photos of an actual product/prototype.

Pushing the speculation based on the trial balloon gambit you mentioned, they might be available in 1Q02.

In WWII, we made a tiny stamped steel .45 that was basically a firing mechanism wrapped around a cartridge. About all it was good for was sneaking up on an enemy and firing from a few inches or less. Essentially having a .45 going off in your nearly bare hand must have been an "I don't want to do THAT again" experience. I wonder how close a 17 oz .45 would be to that!


New member
I've seen the 9mm Ti Millenium, so that does in fact exist. I can't tell ya about the .45.....


New member

Was it a production pistol in commerce at a dealer or distributor, or was it a factory prototype being dragged around by a factory rep or something?

Inquiring minds want to know....


New member
I thought I had fired the gun in question, but in thinking about it, it may have been the .40cal flavor that I fired.

It was similar to the PT 111 in trigger pull, but with lighter recoil.

On second thought though, I am almost positive that I fired the .45cal and I saw several of them at the latest Fort Worth, TX gun show.



New member
The PT-145's that you thought you saw in SS were most likely phosphated steel instead. The truly SS ones are just now being released and almost no dealers have seen them yet.