PT 111 or Kel-Tec P11

Doug S

New member
I appreciate all of the feedback on the PT 111. I've talked to Taurus and they are assuring me that this mishap was only a fluke. I guess time will tell. I can say that although I only shot the pistol 64 times it seemed very accurate and was feeding reliably. Prior to buying the PT 111 I was considering the Kel-tec P 11. Would this have been a better choice? I'd like to hear some opinions on the P11.

Doug S

New member
I forgot to mention (for all of the Gun Test magazine fans out there) that what sealed my decision on the PT 111 was the Gun Test review in the Sept 98 issue (also on the Taurus webpage). They chose the Taurus over the Kel-tec P11 and the Smith and Wesson Sigma.

Walt Sherrill

New member
I've had a Kel-Tec P11 for about 2 years. I sometimes shoot it in IDPA, with good results. Its an inherently accurate gun but, like the PT-111, is difficult to shoot well. You've got to practice, practice, practice.

The long double-action only trigger pull will really take some getting used to.

I prefer the P-11 over the PT-111 primarily because of the Kel-tec Owners Group, and their website (at From there you can learn just about everything you need to know to do your own gunsmithing on the gun, from routine maintenance (it doesn't need much) to refinement. (Note: new P-11s seem to be almost trouble free, but ones made several years ago were prone to problems -- which Kel-Tec would make good.)

One advantage of the P-11 is that is will use S&W 59 series (15 round) or S&W 69 magazines (12 or 13 round) giving you extra capacity -- much as the smaller Glocks will use magazine from the full-size models of the same caliber.

If you compare the P-11 to the PT-111, its clear that the PT-111 is a flat-our attempt to copy the Kel-Tec. Stripping the PT-111 is harder and more complicated, and the trigger pull is a little worse. (Probably no worse than the original P-11s, a few years ago.)

But, then there's the difference in price: the P-11 is anywhere from $25 - $100 less than the PT-111.

If you haven't already bought a PT-111, try visiting WWW.KTOG.ORG...

[This message has been edited by Walt Sherrill (edited February 02, 2000).]


Staff Alumnus
Do a search for P11/P-11/Kel-tec this forum. Lot of good info.

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited February 05, 2000).]


New member
The Kel tec P11.
Too many problems I have heard with the millinieum P111. I chose my kel tec over the taurus because I have had previous experience with them and found them to be accurate, reliable, simple to strip down and maintain. And I have never had a problem with any. Also spare accessories and parts are bountiful and inexpensive ;)

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"


New member
After 2 trips to the factory, lot's of fluffing and buffing, and a slide refinish, my P11 is now finally working properly.
For a weapon that sells now new for $280, I think that one can find a better choice.

It's a nice litle weapon, but in my opinion,THAT'S ALL IT IS.
Keep looking around!!!!

Walt Sherrill

New member

If I had your experience with the P11, I'd probably be middling-war about the gun, too.

But, f.For the money (and I assume someone wants a small, concealable 9mm or larger caliber), what is better?

I've got a Star M40 that is probably better, and not much larger -- but it weighs about three times as much. It is concealable, and it costs less. I really like it. Getting it repaired may be a problem, however.

Most snub-nose .38 or .357 revolvers aren't as concealable, and generally hard to shoot well.

What are the alternatives?


New member
Hi Doug,
I shot these two guns, side by side, over a year ago and would have been hard pressed to choose between the two. But, I think I would have gone with the Kel-Tec.

I also wrote an article about it. If you would like to read it, heres a link...

Oh well, it won't link. But you can copy the above address to your browser.

Knee deep in brass, still shootin fast!

[This message has been edited by kingknives (edited February 04, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by kingknives (edited February 04, 2000).]