PSL for a Newborn Baby?

B. Lahey

New member
Do you think an infant could handle 7.62x54r?

Just kidding, he'll shoot 5.56 until he can crawl, at least. :)

My son was born a few days ago and his initials happen to be P.S.L. Of course that means he needs a PSL. I'll hold on to it for him until he's ready and I'll break it in for him. They used to be everywhere, and pretty inexpensive, but I'm having a heck of a time finding one for sale now that I need one. Does anyone know where to obtain a PSL right now? All leads are appreciated.


New member
your going to have to go the route of Armslist and then auction after that, they have not been imported for some time now. If your not super picky, Atlantic Firearms has many SVD/PSL style rifles, even a few that are built on PSL recievers (BKA24???maybe?) i dunno, just oke around their site, search for 54r specific rifles and see if anything meets your standard. real PSL's are out there and for sale, but will run you alot more than you probably think one was worth if you remember what it was like 6-7 years ago. 1200-1400$ is fair for a PSL at the current market. The Vepr "tactical" sniper rifle is the closest thing atm for a fair price, aroud 1000$


New member
"What college fund?"

:D Just kidding, congratulations!!!

You might could build one, I think I have seen some parts kits , I could be wrong.


New member
PSL parts kits are sometimes out there, but they are very expensive, require a unique receiver, and are fairly labor intensive to build. Not like building an AK. There's an investment of several hundred dollars in tools alone.

Good luck though! Always wanted one of those


You ought to make him work for a rifle like that, or have him work for enough money to buy what he wants.

Sounds like Dad is looking for an excuse to buy a new gun! ;)

T. O'Heir

New member
"..."What college fund?"..." That'd be the M1 Rifle purchased from the CMP and left in the wrap until he's 18 and you kick him out. snicker.
A PSL will likely be still readily available in 18 years.


New member
He can't use a psl if he's a lefty. Russians bludgeoned their babies into all being right handed.


New member
Part of being in the Warsaw Pact was left handed baby bludgeoning.

There is a nice PSL at Elite Arms in Austin, don't recall the price.


New member
You will only be able to find one on the secondary market. They haven't been imported for a while. $1000+ depending on accessories and local market.

Also, you will need to stockpile a lot of ammo for it since it probably won't be available/affordable by the time he can shoot it. Keep in mind that heavy ball will damage the gun unless the gas block is modified.


New member

There was at one time a video on YouTube showing a mod to the gas system of the PSL, but I have not looked at/for it in a while.

A summary: the gas port/channel was tapped to accept common allen screws, I don't recall the size. The Allen screws of the correct size were then (center) drilled out to various diameters (with the flats left intact) and thus the port size could be varied by installing the various hole size modified screws.

Whether or not that would allow the use of "heavy" ball and match slugs, I dunno, but it would seem a step in the right direction. According to the video, the PSL in question was not such a brass basher after the mod.

B. Lahey

New member
Thanks for the tips, everyone. I had forgotten about this thread, but I'm glad I remembered to check back in. Will keep an eye out for one on the used market, it will a good while before he will have much use for it, so I can hunt patiently.

I already have a decent pile of x54r, a lot of it new production Prvi, so I will keep adding to that. A few more cans of light ball whenever I find them, in particular.

Figure the Prvi 150gr SP is probably fine for PSLs, but I'm guessing the Prvi 182gr Match may be too beefy?


New member
My PSL is a beast. The supplied 4x rangefinder scope does not have a reticle focus. After market scopes an mounts for the PSL, are hard to zero in. The supplied scope an mount is offset slightly to the left of the receiver --- so much that it is difficult for a right hand shooter to have a good cheek weld --- unless you aim with your left eye.

Which is the case for me...since the reticle is fuzzy with my right eye, but perfect with my left eye --- Though I use my right eye for iron sights with the rifle. The barrel is pencil don't let the barrel get to hot, or your groups will start to walk.

The PSL has vigorous right hand shell ejection. My spent shell casings fly about 30 feet. I suggest wearing proper eye protection for anybody standing to the right of the receiver ---- since the spent shell casing could take someone's eye out.

Make sure your turret screws are tight on the supplied scope, or you'll have a wandering zero.

A brass catcher net or a deflector is a good idea on crowded firing pads, for the PSL.
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New member
I too found that the stock scope was hard to get a decent (or any) cheek weld on so I made mine adjustable.


B. Lahey

New member
I should really come back and check my threads more than every other month. Thanks for the additional info, all.

Nice work highpower3006. Good idea and looks well-executed.

Anyone want to weigh in on 182gr Prvi Match being suitable or unsuitable for the PSL? A related aside: does "heavy ball" refer only to the projectile or the load as a whole? (just projectile weight or a combo of that and pressure/velocity/whatever)