PSA AKV or Foxtrot Mike 9mm?


New member
I know I want one or the other. Not some other option. But which? I can't decide. They both seem great. Glock mags are fine, but scorpion mags are fine. AR controls are nice but the AKV has a certain je ne sais quoi.
Neither one is right or wrong. They're both great from what I understand.


Foxtrot Mike

I can't have both. Not yet, anyway. Help me decide. Which should I get and why?

Oh, yeah, I understand these are legally pistols, so maybe I should post this in the pistol section... but... you know.


New member
I'm personally partial to PSA. I own the regular PSAK-47 and have only good things to say about the quality. I also trust that the company is big enough and has produced enough weapons/parts to effectively stand by their lifetime warranty. The AR platform is great, but I believe the AK's have more character and are just a blast to shoot. Unless you are a diehard AR devotee, I'd go with the AK.


New member
I have 14 AR-pattern guns. But only one AK (so I'm really no help):



New member
lol well if your one AK is an AKV that's saying something. I had an AR and an AK (762) but sold them both (financial reasons). Seeing as the nearest range where I can shoot a rifle is an hour away and I hardly make it, the PCC idea makes sense to me- my local range does allow pistol rounds and slugs, just no rifle rounds.
I loved my AR. It was great.
I loved my AK. It was great.
I am a man torn between two beautiful lovers.


New member
Well, I'm not really a fan of the AK, but I am a fan of 9mm long guns, so... yeah the AK-V has proven to be reliable and a lot of fun. Tough call, good luck.


New member
I am an admittedly accuracy snob.

How is the trigger on the AK V 9 variant ?

Is the AK V 9 accurate compared to the Foxtrot Mike ?

My mind says go with the Foxtrot Mikes Glock mags are plentiful and inexpensive.... but my heart sure likes the idea ( and looks ) of a 9MM AK.

Sorry... I am no help.


New member
Lol nobody is a help. They're both basically the same thing while being so very different. The real crux for me is that I already have glock mags, not scorpion mags. But I hear long guns (AR type, etc) don't run well with pistol magazines. I'm not an engineer and most every account I hear criticizing pistol mags for favor of SMG mags seems more theoretical than practical. And whenever I hear people tell of first hand experience with AR9s failing to run well with glock mags, they almost always are running Korean or Promag or some other type of after market magazine rather than true glock magazines.
So, as a novice, I'm left wondering what the deal is. Are SMG mags really the way to go? Do I HAVE to have SMG mags if I want to survive an altercation? Or are pistol mags fine so long as they're quality OEM magazines.
Damned if I know.


New member
So, 9x19, how do your ar9s run with glock magazines? Assuming you have that type of rifle. Do they work just fine with OEM? I'm not looking for a range toy but a maneuverable home defense tool that can really be counted on for practical civilian defense.


New member
I have built an AR9 on a Foxtrot Mike lower. Runs perfectly with a FM bolt and faxon barrel. Very accurate, and the endless amount of AR accessories is nice.

I've also spent some time with a Century Draco Nak-9. It's a 9mm blowback AK that takes Glock mags. The best of both worlds if you want an AK, but have a supply of glock mags already. Accuracy was just fine, trigger was decent. I'd recommend one.

I haven't gotten hands on an AKV yet. I'd like to, but with multiple AR-9s that run just fine, I can't justify it.


New member
IMO... making pistol mags run with PCC's is easily helped... car wax the interior of the mag body and the follower. NuFinish works very well.

A blowback action is gonna be filthy... so do it prior to the filth.

Yes, even the Glock Polymer mags... it helped my Colt Pattern 32rd mags dramatically.


New member

I have three 9mm ARs, all running on Glock magazines, two are on Lone Wolf lowers, one is a PSA. All three run just fine for me. I don't have an FM receiver, but if I were starting over today, they would be my first choice. A buddy of mine out in Utah has their stuff and it works well for him. (and they have the best LRBHO in the market if that's important).

I also have a single 10mm AR that uses Glock mags, it is built on an Angstadt Arms lower, again no issues for me.

8" PSA 9mm

10.5" LW 9mm (SBR)

16" LW 9mm

10.5" AA 10mm


New member
Those are pretty slick, 9x19. I think from what people are saying I'm leaning the FM9. But who the hell knows? Maybe I should just flip a coin lol.
One day I hope to have both. And a whole bunch of other stuff, too.

Jim Watson

New member
I am not a PCCer, but a friend is very pleased with his FM.

If you are going to get a PCC for anything but plinking, get a good $$$$ one.
I see more PCC malfunctions at matches than PCP, MANY more in proportion to entries. I hear a lot of accounts of crates full of unsatisfactory parts left over from DIYs, too.


New member
Well--try as you might--you are never going to find ANY 9mm anything that's going to shoot a .7+ BC bullet.:D Got the same palmetto e-blast with the AK platform 9mm pistol--I especially like the fact there's a built-in rail on top of the receiver cover--a configuration hassle in "real" AK's. I would buy it too if I didn't already have several 9mm PCC builds. If going Glock mag route--I recommend circle 10 receivers, otherwise I favor colt-style mags for 9mm PCCs.