

New member
Anyone have any "intel" on when these will be showing up in gunshops?

There are a few on the auction sites, but they're at scalper prices.


New member
If I got something like that I would have to SBR it, it just looks like it would be too much fun with a mil length barrel.

Neat but still kind of a toy:

All sorts of FUN!



New member
I am not trying to rain on anybody's parade and by all means, if someone wants one of these things, go for it. I'll also be the first to admit that "need" shouldn't have to play much, if any, role in our purchases as freedom loving American citizens. But on the budget I am on, I am just trying to decide where the need, or practical application, of this thing is--esp at the listed suggested retail price? Ammo, from what I can tell, is still rare and expensive, and what is provided to civilians really has little or no application, as near I can tell, to personal defense--at least against two-legged critters. It would make a dandy varmint and small game set up if the weapon itself, as well as its ammo, wasn't so expensive. I'll admit it could be fun but it seems a rather expensive way to make noise when you could probably find and purchase several other rifles to fullfill the same role. The M1 Carbine comes to mind.

So, if you are serious about buying one of these things, would you mind cluing us in what your percieved use is going to be?


New member
I am just trying to decide where the need, or practical application, of this thing is--esp at the listed suggested retail price?

TOY: Same reason I own three machineguns. Expensive to buy, expensive to shoot and FUN to play with. And ATF will be receiving a FORM 1/$200 for making a SBR.


New member
I envy anyone that can afford to use one as a varmint rifle!

I feel that there is no use for rifles that are only good for putting holes in paper at what+ yards. But I would never say that people should not own one, nor would I say that they are useless.

It just has no real use for me.


New member
+1 Hkmp5sd.

I agree, this falls into the toy category. Just like a luxury car, boat, airplane, nice house, most of don't NEED those things but if you have the want and the money then by all means.

Hkmp5sd, what are the other two FAs?



New member
Thanks for the responses.

I think that it would be a superb personal defense weapon,especially with the Hornady bullets. Far better than any handgun. The submachinegun version, P90, is very popular with European police, and military "SpecOp" units.

However, I want one just for fun. Love the 50 rds magazine that lays flat on top of the carbine.

Ammo is readily available in many places. Still kind of pricey ay $19 per box of 50, but that will come down as soon as they start shipping them out in volume.

Besides, that's why I handload.