Proud to be Kalifornian


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First your guns, then your alcohol!:mad:,2933,29715,00.html

Senator Orders Last Call

Monday, July 16, 2001
By Kelley O. Beaucar

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WASHINGTON — Last call for alcohol could be coming soon in an effort to restore the friendly skies.

Citing her experiences as a passenger, Sen. Diane Feinstein has sent a letter to airlines asking them to impose a two-drink maximum per passenger on all flights in order to curb mounting "air rage," an effort critics say will needlessly punish responsible drinkers.

The California Democrat did not define the term air rage in her letter, but it is generally used to describe verbal or physical outbursts and abuse by passengers against other passengers or airline personnel.

And, if the airlines won't voluntarily comply, Feinstein threatened to propose legislation that would force them to cut passengers off.

"I hope introducing this legislation will not be necessary and you will be willing to voluntarily set limits on how many drinks a passenger can consume," Feinstein said in the letter sent July 12 to officials at Continental, United, Delta, U.S. Airways, Southwest, American, and Northwest Airlines.

"I know alcohol is not the only reason for air rage, but I believe limiting its consumption is the first step your company can take to demonstrate your commitment to help ensure our skies are safe for both passengers and crew," she wrote.

The senator had not witnessed any acts of violence herself, but has seen rowdy and rude passengers in-flight, her office said.

But critics say the senator is invoking the sins of a few to punish those who feel more relaxed and in control on a flight after a cocktail.

"First of all, I would say instances of disruptive, illegal behavior are very rare and we don't believe it is reasonable or appropriate to penalize the millions of cooperative passengers for the unlawful behavior of a few," said Mike Wascom of the Air Transport Association, an airline industry trade group.

"You're going to have people who aren't nice in any circumstance. That's society in general," he said, adding that there are an estimated 665 million people traveling on domestic flights a year.

Statistics on air rage incidents vary, and it is unclear what role alcohol plays in reported incidents.

The ATA says there are about 4,000 reports of air rage a year, a number that Feinstein invoked in her letter. But the ATA says that number consists of mostly non-violent, plainly rude behavior, not blatant drunken abuse. In fact, there "is no evidence" that alcohol contributed to a majority of reports, Wascom said.

Wascom said the ATA worked with flight attendants' unions last year to get stricter Federal Aviation Administration policies put into place – such as serving no drinks before takeoff and not allowing inebriated passengers to board in the first place.

But Feinstein defended her move Monday, saying any incident is disturbing and can invariably place passengers and crew at risk.

Several well-publicized incidents of abuse on flights have drawn attention to air rage in recent years. Last April, the guitarist for the pop group R.E.M. smashed the face of a flight attendant with a vodka bottle. In the same month, two drunken sisters spit, hit and choked several crewmembers and are facing time in jail in Alaska.

But some on Capitol Hill questioned the role Congress had to play in combating air rage incidents.

"Passengers should be responsible for their own behavior, beyond that this is something the airlines should can handle on their own. Congress really doesn't have a role," said a spokesman for Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., who sits on the Aviation subcommittee of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

The FAA now has the authority to impose a $25,000 fine on anyone who engages in disruptive behavior aboard a domestic air flight.


New member
Typical liberal intimidation.

Ah, the old "first step" routine combined with a "You have to show me" threat: ". . . but I believe limiting its consumption is the first step your company can take to demonstrate your commitment . . .".

I'd love to see the company write back something like: "Since you mention a 'First Step', you must have a 'Final Solution' to this problem. Please tell us what it is so that we may be able to speed up the process and save everybody some time and posturing." (tongue slightly in cheek)


New member
well..while we're at it, let's just ban more than 2 drinks at any bar, anywhere.
You see, "Land Rage", which btw is related to "Road Rage" and "Air Rage", is a major problem. While walking by the local bar, I spotted two men engaged in the act of Land Raging-they were verbally insulting each other and getting very angry. If those two had not more than 2 drinks a piece, they would not be fighting at all..they would be discussing their inner child with each other.
Only the Kalifornia ideal can save america, and Sen. Frankenstein knows how to save us from ourselves.



Staff Alumnus
Guess you aren't flying with Northwest then Huh Red?

Old Joke: How do you know you are flying Northwest? The blender on the dashboard.;)


New member
Poor DiFi.
Seems like everywhere she goes, she's scared that people will do things to her.
Someone with a standard-cap semi-auto might shoot her.
Someone on a plane who's had one too many might get lippy and indignant, or even try to hit her.
Yo, Di, mayhaps you ought to take a look at yourself in the mirror and do some sould searching to find out why you think there is so much animosity towards you.

It might have something to do with the fact that you're a statist, busybody wench. But that's just a hunch on my part. :p


New member
these people are pissing me off

this bitch, if she doesnt get it her way,then she sues until she does.

im gonna catch hell for this,but somebody needs killin'


New member
DiFi's definition of Air Rage:

Passenger to the left, "Madam Sen. after reading your tirade's about gun control, i have to wonder if you are suffering from a lack fo blood flow to the brain."

Passenger to the right, "Indeed, would you like another drink, i could only imagine a drunk voting the way you do."



New member
See, this sort of "humans" don't stop with confiscating our guns, they are VERY busy to find some other fields to tell you what to do, how to do it, urge you to do it when they want, because they know everything, and surely everything better than you. May be in 10 or 20 years you are allowed to kiss their feet. It's for our security!!!

If we don't resist that bullies, they soon will command, control, and regulate our lives at their will as good as the bullies in the schoolyards do. Freedom is not for free!

But, remember, there was a Luther, a Garibaldi, a Washington...

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Very typical liberal first step. The first step is "I hope you'll voluntarily comply in order to show that you're serious and it won't be necessary for me to introduce this legislation."


"I hope you're so intimidated by me that you won't fight me on this, because it's so loony I might not have the votes. But if you won't voluntarily abandon your principles and adopt mine, you're being unreasonable, and the whip is never far away."


Member In Memoriam
Russ you are sooo right, maybe Dan White should have eaten a few more twinkies :D, but then again it it was not her that is now elected to represent the sheeple of Kalifornia, I feel certain that they would have found someone else just like her if Dan had popped another cap or two.


New member
0 drinks for the pilots.

as many drinks as you can responsibly handle for most passengers.

2 drinks max for Democrats...

The reason: Democrats have shown that they can't make good sound decisions sober, how much worse if they are drunk?



New member
This woman is so obnoxious. It boggles the mind to imagine that she actually believes she can be the arbitor of what is good and right. Yep, she is intitled to her opinion. But that is where it is supposed to end.

Has any of her constituancy cried out for this? Has any ofthe peole of the PPK called for her to riseto a cause? Doubt it. If you folks in the PPK do not get rid of her, you are crazy. Pretty soon she will be legislating what color you can paint your house.

Oh why won't peole like this just go away and leave the rest of us alone?

Las Vegan Cajun

New member
Two Drinks My Ass

First of all, I'm glad that I was only born in the PRK while Dad was stationed there in 1957 in the USAF. Proud to be a native of Louisiana and it's crooks for polititians than to be from Komifornia and it's commies for polititians.:D

When I was at Luke AFB in Arizona the base commander tried this same bull**** of a two drink limit. Everyplace that served booze on base served you two and then cut you off. This made it hell for those of us that bowled on the base, I've never made it through a three games series with only two beers.:rolleyes:

Talk about causing "base rage" they called the security police on us one night when we got caught having a non drinker buy us another beer. Wow....that third beer made us instant criminals.

Then everyone started club hopping on base, got their two drinks at each club, rec center, bowling alley....etc and then finished off at the local bar off base. As for the bowling alley we had our two beers and then started hitting the tequila that I had stashed in my ball bag. A lot of good that two drink limit the base CO impossed did.

And the same thing will happen on airliners. Passengers will just start bringing their own stash onboard and spend a lot of time in the lavatory sucking 'em up. I guess the next liberal answer to that will be alcohol detectors in the lavatories with heavy fines for tampering with them too.