Proud of my 4 year old son.......


New member
As any gun owner/parent knows, teaching your kids gun safety is important from the start. I've made a point to do so with both my 8 year old daughter and 4 year old son.

Today a friend was over with her two kids (around the same age as ours). My guns were all locked up in safes with the exception of my carry pistol which was on my belt under an untucked shirt.

My son came running into the living room and told me "he's get your guns, Daddy!" and pointed down the hall. I went into our bedroom and found the little boy in our closet. No guns were out, all locked up, but my son knows that the guns are in those safes and that little boys aren't supposed to play with them.

I ran the little boy out of our bedroom and gave my son a great big hug and a high five.


New member
good job have taught him never know when things will go bad and it only takes a few seconds for things to go from bad to should take him out for a treat for doing the right thing


New member
Yep, we took him out today for lunch after church and he got to shop for a toy as a special treat.

He's been very good about not touching Daddy's guns since he was old enough to understand "no".


New member
Good job with your children RRN,

We were standing in line at McDonald's during a family outing with the Grand Children. I felt my shirt not moving with me and looked down to see my 4-5 year old Grandson holding my shirt up exposing my carry gun to the world. He had a smirk on his face that only that young stinker could sport:rolleyes:. A quick frown from me stopped what he was doing;)


New member
We were standing in line at McDonald's during a family outing with the Grand Children. I felt my shirt not moving with me and looked down to see my 4-5 year old Grandson holding my shirt up exposing my carry gun to the world. He had a smirk on his face that only that young stinker could sport. A quick frown from me stopped what he was doing

A couple years back, when my son was 2 years and some change we were at Belk's. I was trying on shirts in the men's fitting room and he was with me. When I took my shirt off to try on the new shirt he says, as loudly as only a 2 year old can, "Is that your gun, Daddy?"

It was a busy Saturday in Belk's and the dressing room was full.......:eek: