Protest at CO Governor's Mansion 2/3/00


Member In Memoriam
Had some stuff typed in & when I hit the submit button - "we're down for maintenance" comes up. ;) I love computers!

See next post for details. Forward to all who haven't TFL or 'net access.

We've had it! & are gonna do a march/protest at the Colorado Governor's Manison.

Sorry about the timing but couldn't be helped. Just a few folks threw this together about 2 days ago. & press coverage will be much better during the week, it shows our dedication & we've got too many bills getting out of committee.

We need to drive a wedge between Guv Gun Control & the rest of the GOP. They're getting too chummy.

Thrust is: Stop it or look for work after the next elections.

Through modern communications, we can tap into many thousands of folks by the end of the day. Many lists are being shared for this effort.

More to come, film at 11.


Member In Memoriam
This went out via e-mail ... with the various groups we're tapping into, we can realistically put better than 200 folks on the Guv's doorstep. Copy/paste & e-mail your buds.

We can stop this nonsense with a good showing. Beats having to write letters everyday to all the various pols.

We've shown some great resolve & have stopped many bad bills from going through. We've many people working furiously from all angles & it's paid off to date. But not enough. Time to stop it now.
Send this to everyone you know that has had it with The Guv pushing for more gun control. Hit the e-mail lists & phone those who aren't on the 'net. Let's not waste any time getting this going.

I'd like to stress that, personally, I'd very much like this protest to not be associated with any gun-rights group. It had organizational help from RMGO but is a grass-roots effort by dedicated folks who are fed up. Yes, there will be many of the state association/s members present. But, it is we, the people, who are members of these various groups. I'd like to see
this NOT be interpreted by the press as: "NRA (fill in the blank) stages
rally!" We, NRA, CSSA, RMGO, all of us! in this together & we can put aside the minor differences in our strategies for one night.

This was thrown together just a couple days ago by about a half-dozen people (men & women) - is getting legs & taking flight.

Stress on no-camo, etc. & if you will, leave your NRA, etc. caps at home. This is "us," not an association.

Dress for the weather - rain or shine (well, not at night)!

We want men/women, bikers/businessmen/women, Moms/Dads, Grandmothers through the kids - everybody from all walks of life & interests. We all have one common goal - stop the gun control.

Distribute freely & contact if needed.
See ya there,


-----Original Message-----

I finally determined, from a Denver PD Sgt., that we do not need a permit for our protest.

Therefore, this is the plan, UNODIR (unless otherwise directed):

Meet at park at 7th and Logan on Thursday, Feb. 3 at 7 pm. At 7:45 (or as soon as the crowd is fully assembled) we march up the block to the Governor's mansion. The protest lasts as long as we can hold
media together (likely til 10 or so, maybe into 10:30 if they do live shots).

Logan street runs North-South, and is east of Broadway by 4 blocks. The Gov's mansion is on 8th and Logan, on the Southeast corner. The park, called Governor's Park is on the Northeast corner of 7th and Logan, and the bar/restaurant "Governor's Park" is just south of the 7th and Logan intersection.

As for parking, the restaurant has parking in back -- otherwise, there is mostly street parking. I would suggest than any and all
leaders that can show up a bit early to eat meet at the restaurant @ 6 pm. I have a pickup, so I will try to get a good parking spot where we can store posterboard, pens, etc and use it as a table.

The Glassman is working up a news release today, and we will work up an e-mail today as well, along with postcards to our metro area members. GOA will put out an alert on it, and with everyone else sending out info, we should have a decent base. As long as we all make personal contact with hardcore activists, this will be a success.

Per the meeting, Al is in charge of coming up with some graphics. RMGO will pick up a bullhorn, and posterboard as the time gets

Our timing to trash the Guv. couldn't have been better: yesterday Owens cut a deal with hardcore lefty Dem Rep. Ken Gordon to force
Brady checks for private sales at gun shows. Owens is openly siding with most of the Dems (and left-leaning Republicans), and we know we are now facing a fight on the House floor. As I said on Wed. night,
driving a wedge between Owens and middle of the road GOP politicians is our best play to kill this bill, and any others. Our protest
could be the event that pushed it over the margin, so let's all make sure to keep the protest tied to Gov. Gun Control.

I will be in my office today if anyone wants to talk: 303-432-3006. Otherwise, let's go get 'em.

This is an internal memo: feel free to use the e-mail I send out later today to send to your lists.

From: Rocky Mountain Gun Owners []


New member
Unfortunately, it's fairly unlikely that I'll make it, due to prior obligations at work. Heck, I may not even be in town...we've yet to iron out the details. However, I dropped off a strongly-worded letter to the Governor at the post office today stating that if it wasn't for the above-mentioned obligations, I'd be at the protest because I am in strong agreement with the central theme. I went a bit further, calling him to task on his recent actions concerning gun control. I intend to remind him every day next week right up the the day of the protest, via e-mail and/or phone calls, and maybe another letter, that the only reason I won't be there are items out of my control. He'll wish I just went, so he wouldn't get all this stern correspondence from me. Anyone in the area that can't go, make sure Owens knows that you would be there if at all possible, and bug him every day up to and including Thursday the 3rd.

BTW, it's not set in stone that I won't be's to hoping I can get out of work stuff!


Member In Memoriam
Hope you do end up making it.

But good idea about the letter/s.

In fact, even if you're going, send a letter why you're going or, send a letter saying why you can't make it & show up - make 'em think we're twice as big.


Member In Memoriam
BTW, any of you TFLers in Boulder, Denver, etc. do a cut/past in second post from "original message."

If you can make some copies & stick in gunshops around your town, that would be super. I'll be doing Tues. (most up here are closed Mon.)


Member In Memoriam
E-mail me with any questions/comments, etc. or etc. E-mail alert from RMGO follows

BTW, letters I'm sending out to the politcos go to their house and/or business address, not to their State Capitol address. They're doing this to us personally & I will take this to them personally. Rather than have a secretary dump letters into a capitol trashbin, I'd much rather have The Wife wonder why they're getting so much mail. They will most probably read these letters themselves.

Anybody want a MSWord file that has home/office (addresses & phone #s) contact for CO Guv, House & Senate members - drop an e-mail.

Governor Bill Owens
Governor's Mansion
400 E 8th Ave
Denver, CO
Put the heat on Gov. Gun Control!

With Bill Owens actively working against citizens' gun rights, it is high time we told him ENOUGH.

RMGO is joining a group of concerned citizens to protest Gov. Gun Control's lies and backstabbing.

On Thursday, Feb. 3, at 7 pm, everyone -- women, men, children, and anyone who cares about their gun rights -- is invited to meet at the park on 7th and Logan. The protest will last for a few hours, so please come
even if you must show up late or leave early: the more, the merrier.

Once we have assembled, we will march north on Logan 1/2 block to the Governor's mansion, and DEMAND that he cease and desist his assault on our Second Amendment rights. Our gun rights are CIVIL RIGHTS, and we won't idly watch as politicians destroy our freedoms.

RMGO and others will supply the posterboard and pens, but bring either if you have them handy.

Remember, on Thursday night Owens cut a deal with hardcore gun-grabber Dem Rep. Ken Gordon to force Brady checks for private sales at gun shows. Owens is openly siding with most of the Dems (and left-leaning Republicans), and we know we are now facing a fight on the House floor.

We must drive a wedge between Owens and GOP elected officials with a very simple message: the GOP will lose gun votes if they back Gov. Gun Control's plans. And without gun rights supporters, the GOP is done for

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to call our office.

NOTE: Please do not wear camouflage nor NRA caps. We want this to be citizens organizing, not the same old tired story about "White Anglo Saxon Protestant Gun Nuts." The gun-grabber groups have done a good job of framing themselves as everyday people, despite the fact that most are raving socialists: let's re-frame our issue a bit at this protest.

If you cannot arrange a ride, let us know: we might be able to hook you up with people from your area who are car pooling.

Remember: Denver does not allow open carry and only allows concealed carry with a permit. It is up to you, but be forewarned.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners


Member In Memoriam
nralife - thanks! Didn't even think of it - the no-brainer sometimes is. ;)

Just dialed into the link you supplied & looks to have good responses - picked up a few there & again thanks. Waiting for my registration OK so I can post to freerepublic. Again, a great idea! We all are using the 'net for our causes, etc. & sometimes forget to most basic aspects (duh, on my part)

We should have an official press release coming out late Mon/early Tues. & will post that to newsnetdaily & newsmax. both are pretty friendly to the cause/s & we should receive some good local hits there as well +! it could go national. Would be a hoot!

Nifty to see a post re AFN (our local radial conservative AM station). Picking up some steam.

I've a coupa phone/e-mail requests out to a couple celebrities. Won't happen in time (if ever) for 2/3 but I'm trying to do a "request for time/services" to have a HUGE rally in CO for the 2nd & ALL freedoms.

"Oh well" if it doesn't happen in time for our current CO political climate. What I want to do is ignite a firestorm across this fine land. Akin to "we've had it & aren't taking/dong it any longer!"

Personal recognition?, I could care (it'll happen by the signatures - & I don't give a damn anyway) or making money? Ditto. If I have to sell my car/truck to finance? I don't care.

I have had it! (so has my wife) We've got children, grandkids & a life to live. I refuse to live it in a socialist state with illegal laws. If we can't turn it around, I'll be an outlaw & let it start now.

Pacifically speaking, I remain, the rational anarchist

BTW, nralife, just got your reply & will keep you posted & thanks again.


Staff Emeritus
Colorado Governor Bill Owens shows there is little difference between a
Republican and a Democrat when it comes to gun control.

Republican Governor Bill Owens is working with Democrat Attorney General Ken
Salazar to implement at least nine of the fourteen gun control bills proposed for the unlucky gun owners in Colorado:

1 - HB00-1114, Concealed Weapon Permit Information
2 - HB00-1197, Safe Storage Of Firearms
3 - HB00-1201, Weapon Possession By A Felon
4 - HB00-1208 Lawsuits Against Firearms Manufacturers
5 - HB00-1214, Penalty For Firearms Straw Purchasers
6 - HB00-1220 Under 21 Gun Show Purchase Prohibition
7 - HB00-1241, Previous Offenders Possessing Weapons
9 - HB00-1242 Required Background Checks At Gun Shows
10 - HB00-1243 Parental Consent For Firearms For Minors
11 - HB00-1245, Weapons On School Property
12 - HB00-1247 Permitting Juvenile To Possess Handgun
13 - SB00-010, Lawsuits Against Firearms Manufacturers
14 - SB00-089, Firearms Transfers & Age Of Possession

Colorado is not quite an northeastern yuppie state or the flower of the left
coast. If gun control can be implemented in Colorado, the brownshirts hope
it will spread throughout the United States.

The Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, the Colorado Libertarian Party, and other
pro-gun activists are joining forces to fight their Republican Governor and his Democrat Attorney General. They are
determined that Colorado not follow the path of California.

Governor Owens does not seem concerned. When discussing the criticism
he faced, Owens, the Denver Post (August 23, 1999) said of gun owners,
"What are they going to do -- vote Democratic?"

(This is an excerpt. See for the complete story and several related articles. Please confirm the above information from other sources.)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited January 31, 2000).]

Joe Mama

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Governor Owens does not seem concerned. When discussing the criticism
he faced, Owens, the Denver Post (August 23, 1999) said of gun owners,
"What are they going to do -- vote Democratic?" [/quote]

I have to go along with you on this one Dennis. There isn't a nickel's worth of difference between the parties. Pandering to the media for adulation.

Bill Owens won the election partly on his promise to sign into law less restrictive concealed carry provisions. Now he has reversed his position 180 degrees.

I, for one, will not vote Democrat(ic). Conversely, I certainly will not reward such arrogance with a vote for a second term.

veritas vos liberabit

[This message has been edited by Joe Mama (edited February 01, 2000).]


Member In Memoriam
But, Joe, it's not his fault. The wind's blowing from a different direction (since the C-word) & those with no meat to 'em get tossed around ... :(

BTW, Owens voted (a few years back) to allow CCW [specific exception to law for permit holders] in schools. Now, it appears he doesn't think that's a good idea any longer (in favor of the no weapons in schools bill) Two maniac kids shoot up a school & now we're all suspect. CO has 6500+ CCW & not a one has had license revoked for firearms-related cause.

No flames to LEO & preaching to the choir (again) but those who go through the CCW process are very much so more responsible than almost any other group - bar none.

Unless The Guv comes out with a bigtime "egg on his face" speech about how he's been wrong about supporting these bills, does a quick recant (not likely), I'll be working to see we have a different Guv.

Joe Mama

New member
ALL of these politicos tell us what we want to hear to get elected, then proceed to suck up to the media in order to get face-time on TV.

Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice shame on me.

veritas vos liberabit


Staff Alumnus
So, who's in for Thursday?

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


Member In Memoriam
Me & mine.

Too, this is getting LOTS of air-time on AFN. Bunches of folks are meeting at the station in Johnstown at 5PM & doing the convoy bit. Looks to be quite the showing from up north.

BTW, we've a few professional signs (I think left over from the "down with Bill!" campaign one of the guys did when Klinton gave his speech at Columbine. A Bill is a Bill ... We'll have some posterboard & big magic markers - a do-it-yourself sign kit. It'll be (and look) spontaneous for the newsies. Heck, this IS spontaneous ... just started planning this thing 1/26.

Would be great to put 200+ on the street.

I'm certain of 2 ... anybody else?


Staff Alumnus
FWIW, Chuck Baker is going to talk about it on his radio show on Thursday afternoon. The local Libertarian Party affiliate will be there in force (no word from the GOP, natch).

Alan, I think this is gonna be big. :)

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


Member In Memoriam
"FWIW, Chuck Baker is ... " Who's he? (hangs head un-smiley here) yeah, right & I'm active .... gotta get more into it. Coin, beat me off-line.

"Alan, I think this is gonna be big."
A hoot! comes to mind. Imagine making a difference (dreamy smile).

Here's the official press release. Cut & paste it up.

& there's no CCPTBoR, sounded good, tho' & that's what we are

January 31, 2000

Citizens of Colorado for the Preservation of The Bill of Rights

Citizens of Colorado for the Preservation of the Bill of Rights, is a group of ordinary citizens that are concerned about the accelerated pace of the attacks on the Bill of Rights, and The Second Amendment in particular, in the wake of the tragedy at Columbine High School. We are not associated with the NRA, nor any organization or political party. We are ordinary people, from all walks of life, that are concerned about the loss of our freedoms.

We will march on the Governor’s Mansion to send a message to Governor Owens and the Republican Party, that they can no longer take our support for granted. If they persist in abandoning the principles of individual liberty—which they profess to have—in order to maintain their own political power, we will actively oppose them.

We will march on The Governor’s Mansion at 400 East 8th Street, Denver, Colorado at 7:00 PM on Thursday, February 3, 2000.

We are incensed at how the personal human tragedy at Columbine High School, has been manipulated to partisan political advantage, and has been used as a springboard to assault the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights.

In particular, we are outraged at the lies and betrayal on the part of Governor Bill Owens, who’s recently proposed legislation, would deny the citizens of Colorado their right to own property, trade freely, and unquestionably infringes on their right to keep and bear arms—as is recognized and guaranteed by the Second Amendment to The Bill of Rights.

In politics, leadership is defined as a man’s willingness to adhere to his principles, rather than bow to the prevailing winds of political opinion, or political correctness. Governor Owens, by his actions, has chosen to abandon the constituency that elected him, and has opted to do the politically expedient and correct thing, by introducing his own oppressive and unconstitutional gun control laws.

We intend to send a message to Governor Owens and the Republican Party, that our rights are not negotiable.

BTW, I just heard yesterday that the Guv doesn't live in The Mansion. :( Was dumb-founded at first. The symbolic nature of the protest still holds however. "Empty house - empty oath" comes to mind. The aimple fact that so many can get together anywhere for this cause is enough.

Fingers crossed for a huge turn-out, some good old-fashioned 60s protest, empowerment & then take it all back & do the same thing in your own locale.


New member
I know this is veering just a tad off topic, but I don't think it's enough to start a whole new thread on. Anyway, someone enlighten me here. Owens is up for re-election in 2002. Is it automatic that he'll be the Republican candidate, or are there primaries before that in which, though unlikely, another Republican candidate can be put up for the election?

Forgive my political ignorance!


Member In Memoriam
The incumbant always has a pretty good edge. I'm most certainly working for a different person. Lotsa time. Current effort is to shut down these current gun control bills.