Props to TFL members


New member
I've noticed something here on TFL. You're generally not jerks when people ask the same question for the millionth time.

"What's the best AR-15?"
"What's the best 1911?"
"What's the best concealed weapon?"
"Revolver or Autoloader?"
"Ruger or Smith?"

Good on ya as a collective whole for not beating up on "I obviously didn't even try to search" thread starters. It's a rare thing on forums.


New member
I agree with you completely, which is why I like to spend my time here. Too many others have so many "SHTF" and "zombie" scenarios in which I have no interest. Fortunately the mods here seem to feel the same way and put those to rest fairly quickly. This strikes me as the forums for the gentlemen and ladies of the shooting sports. :)

44 AMP

Same question, different person

OK. Everybody has to learn sometime. Same question for the "millionth time" from the same person? Maybe we don't cut so much slack....

Smokey Joe

New member
Mal H--He doesn't know. And you have to ask him, is he going for knock-down power or finest accuracy, and does he reload or only use store ammo, and will he be using this for serious target work, SD, plinking, or introducing new shooters to the sport. LOL! :D

Oh, and by how much can he plan to exceed SAAMI max loads w/o blowing up!
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New member
I looked at this question as one asked by someone fairly new to guns and trying to make comparisons as they would with HDTVs, DVD players or home theatre systems.

In truth, it's more like asking "who makes the best car - Ford, GM or Chrysler?" Best car for what?

I think most TFL members recognize this "consumer idea" of "the best" as the sign of someone still new to firearms and we tend try to educate through our answers.

As my father used to say, "Have paitience with ignorance, as it is curable by mere education. But have no time for stupidity because you can't educate someone who's stupid."

The Real Wyatt

New member
Somebody please help this poor ignorant country boy understand the title of this thread, "Props to TFL members".

In my part of the country props are:
Things you use to support something to keep it from falling
Things used in movies in lieu of the real thing
Short for "propeller" as on an airplane or a boat

So what is it the original poster wishes for us?

An offer of support? That'd be a good thing, I think.
To take away our real guns and give us props? That'd be a bad thing.
To give us little propellers to put on our caps? Ain't too sure about that.


New member
Ahhhhh :D We be enlightened now!

*sigh* how discouraging to find out one is no longer "cool" enough to sling the lingo of the young!
(must be the gray hair thing).