Properly adjusted Chest Rig?


New member
A few days ago I received my 762tactical chest rig. I like it, fits snug (Except as below), and is a good "Combo", 2 FAL or 3 AR magazines without much for slop.

Just for the heck of it (and because I can...being on a ranch work enviroment and, and it wears good, comforable, doesn't ride up when I bend over and is kept snug to me...Only one problem and I'm not sure if it's the problem of the way I have it set up, or it's just what you expect from a chest rig.

When I flops up and down. Lemme explain in full details:

I've tried it all all "levels" from low stomach to mid-chest (Sweet spot for me seems to be exactly where my ribs/stomache connect). It seems like when I run the mag pouches/top-of-the-rig flop straight up and get slack enough for the lower strap to allow the bottom to fly up as well.

If I take a deep breath and hold doesn't flop, it takes out the slack. But if I tighten it up to the point it doesn't flop, I can't hardly breathe......

Something I'm doing wrong? or a chest rig thing? Hopefully I just messed up somehow, as so far, I like the chest rig VS my el cheapo vest, simply because it holds stuff more out of the way.
