Proper use of demooning tool


New member
What is the right way to use the pipe type of demooning tool? The graphic I saw that showed how to use one said to twist, but it looks like it is meant to lever out the empty case.


The tube slides over the case and there is a little tab that sticks up. When you "twist" the tube, the tab bumps up against the clip and the case is pried out or the retainer. Kind of hard to explain but it is very obvious when you have one in your hand.



New member
Yes, twisting puts less force on the moon clip so as not to bend it. It's amazing how easy they pop out. ( I make my own tools from 1/2 coper pipe.)


New member
Ok Deano but it ain't pretty. Basicly, you just grind/cut a 1/8" deep by 2/3 the surface are chunk out of both ends of a 30" section of 1/2" copper water pipe. This leaves a 3/8" wide "tooth" on one edge of the pipe. The length allows me to sit down in front of the TV and Demoon in comfort. The top end demoons with a simple twist, the empties fall through the pipe and into a coffee can at the other end. If one end starts to wear ( hasn't yet,) I've got a spare tool at the other. I have made a short one (with a sock to catch the empties ) for range use but seldom bother. Once you get enough moon clips, it's a easier job at home.
