proper sight alignment and deer shooting


New member
i decided to hunt with my open sights this deer season. whcich is over for firearm the 31st of the month. i am going to the range within the next few days. but i am curious as to whether or not i am going to get the results i am thinking i will get. i have the 870 sighted in with slugs at 50 yards. i can keep 3/3 or 5/5 shots inside a 9" paper plate. i am holding the front sight blade on the bottom of the plate even with the top of the rear v notch. so looking down the barrel i have the plate sitting on top of the blade/vnotch of the sights. if i leave the sights this way and shoot at a deer within 50 yards. and holding the sights just behind the front leg, on the deer. would i shoot over it or would i hit the deer? i have been thinking about this for last few days. i haven't seen any the last few times i was in the field. and because i have been doing more of a stalk hunt than sitting on the ground or up in a stand. i don't put a slug in the chamber. i know that with my scope its putting the crosshairs of the scope where i want the slug to go. should i put the blade/vnotch in the middle of the plate? which is where i want the slug to go. and adjust my sights to hit the plate as center as possible.


New member
you're sight-in for fifty..

so if the deer is fifty or less you'll hit slightly above the point of aim.
If over fifty, then you'll hit below due to slug drop.
Just take a deliberate shot and you feel comfortable, any doubt then don't.

Next season consider practising ealier and at various yardages, to get a better feel for slug shooting.

there are various side mounts for the 870 for mounting scope, consider one of those?