Project Veritas shows police telling the questioner "You're on your own"


New member
Some of the responses in this video are simply tragicomic. They tell the questioner that they need to leave their home, get some bleach or ammonia, let the perp see you on the phone, etc.

When asked how long it would take to get a firearm he is told that it will be three months to a year. When asked what he should do in the interim the answer is the same, "You're on your own."

Other portions of the video show the police telling the questioner that response times are from two minutes to “Sometimes we can’t be anywhere at all because everybody’s tied up.”

We, here at TFL, already know this. The attitudes of the states where this was filmed is legion. Anyone who has called 911 in a life threatening situation knows the agony of waiting for the police to arrive.

It is disturbing to hear this come from the mouths of those we call in those situations.



Some of that is truly hair-raising, but I hate to say that little of it is surprising. We've seen all these suggestions in one form or another before, usually from those telling us we don't need or deserve a gun for protection.

Spats McGee

One of the things that I found most interesting is that most of the officers treated response times as "2-3 minutes." The Milwaukee County Sherriff said that they were more like 40-50+.


New member
You are the ONLY line of defense you have until the police arrive.

If they need big magazines, AR's and other accoutrments to met the threat, why don't I?


New member
Thanks for posting, jimpeel. Hopefully the brain dead crowd will watch this and get a clue about what self responsibility is all about. Folks that live in rural areas have always known this.


New member
I'm sure response times very a lot depending upon jurisdiction and circumstances. Even with a two to three minute response time, however, bad things can happen before the police get there. They can't be everywhere all the time.

I do want to pass along my very positive experience with police. We had a burglary/home invasion several years ago when my daughters, both teenagers, were home during the summer. The kids barricaded themselves in a bedroom and hid (bad guy didn't know they were there) and they called 911. Police happened to be down the street and they caught the guy inside the house, in my bedroom. If officers had not been so close, who knows what might have happened.

Spats McGee

I'm sure you're right about response times, KyJim. If you're in the PD parking lot, they can be quite short, I'm sure. But if you're across town, or out in the country, who knows if they'll arrive in time?

Glad that your burglary turned out as well as it did.