Project Safe Child


New member
So, you wish to save the children? You care so much for the children?

Then starting today, unless you have that child of yours wearing a Snell approved crash helmet each time they get in the car, then I can't possibly see how you care about your child.

This precious little bundle of joy you brought into the world with all your wonderful, long-term planning is owed your love by strapping that Bell (or other approved manufacturer) full-face helmet onto their delicate little noggins.

Until they become 18, each trip in the SUV will be a tragedy waiting to happen unless you act today.'s for the children.

(This public service message brought to you by the National Hypocrisy Highlighting Center in conjunction with the estate of the late George Orwell.)


New member
Bunkster, your satire is actually approaching reality. I have neighbors whose kids wear bicycle helmets. Even when they're off their bikes and playing in the yard!

A local suburb has been debating whether it should be mandatory for kids playing soccer to wear helmets.

Another suburb wanted to make bicycle helmets mandatory.

Why not just lock the kids in a kevlar coffin, load it into an air bag equipped SUV and take it to the mall with the mandatory
rubber walls?



New member

A little common courtesy here, if you please. The purpose of the crash helmet is to prevent the PC children of the soccer moms from having some sense knocked into their heads.

When they try to take away my 2nd Amendment rights, tell them Hell's comin' and I'm comin' with it! Armed and Dangerous


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sword:
The purpose of the crash helmet is to prevent the PC children of the soccer moms from having some sense knocked into their heads.
LOL :D Now it makes sense! :D