Progress Report:My Sorta-Bubba'd Pseudo-Scout (Warning: Photo heavy.)

Smokey Joe

New member
Been working on this one for a while, and feel I owe y'all some kind of report. Bought a Yugo Mauser M-48 some years back, and decided that it didn't need to stay in its military configuration. Sooo...what to do to it??

After shooting it a few times, it was obvious that the military sights and trigger had to go. Fortunately, the Timney Triggerfor a Mauser k98K fits an M-48. Having installed Timneys before with success, that was a no-brainer. (Any part that depends on the length of the receiver for fit, will NOT thus interchange.)

I'd been reading about Col. Cooper's "Scout Rifle," and had learned that forward-mounted 'scopes didn't get in the way of using stripper clips. When I happened on a B-Square 'scope mount base made to fit on the M-48's rear sight base, that was that. Got the base, got a 2.5x Leupold "Scout 'Scope," screwed on the base, mounted the 'scope, and Voila!

(At that time there was only the Leupold or the Burris Scout 'Scope. Price was about the same, so went with the "name.")

Now, what to mount the thing in?? Boyd's Gunstocks didn't have M-48 stocks in their catalogue yet, but a 'phone call to Boyd's assured me that they were just coming out with a "Target Varmint" stock for the M-48. So that was what I ordered. In retrospect, I'd have been better off with a lighter stock, had Boyd's had one available.

For the stock work, I ordered a Brownell's Acra-Gel kit. Got wood finishing supplies locally, including several grits of sandpaper and a spray-can of ordinary hardware store satin spar varnish. Boyd's will sell you all this, but buying local saved a few $$.

When the package came from Boyd's I got to work. The fit of the stock to receiver was marvellous. Hogged out a couple of areas so the Acra-Gel would have a place to be. Had to relieve the barrel channel to accomodate the typical Mauser stepped barrel, and frankly I overdid it. Well, live & learn.

Having shaped the stock, I proceeded to 'glass it. Had done one glass-bedding job previous, but was still nervous. Followed the directions & put modelling clay in all screw-holes, etc, then coated the receiver with release compound. ALWAYS PUT ENOUGH RELEASE COMPOUND ON ALL PARTS OF THE GUN!!!! Followed that up with dabs of grease any place I wasn't sure of. Applied the Acra-Gel; gently installed the barrel/receiver and the trigger guard. Then instead of screwing them together (and risking getting the screws in the epoxy) I wrapped the whole thing with several turns of surgical rubber tubing--Worked just like a giant rubber band.

Acra-Gel went basically in 2 areas: the recoil plate area at the front of the receiver, and the tang area. Brownell's included directions for the glassing with their stock, and their directions were helpful.

When the 'Gel was set, I nervously disassembled everything--nothing was stuck together, whew! Then it was wood finishing time.

Any woodworker will tell you that the sanding is the most tedious part of any wood project. It's true. Sanded the stock coarse. Sanded the stock fine. Sanded the stock finer. Dampened the stock to "raise the grain," sanded it fine and then finer again. Sprayed on a coat of varnish & let dry. Sanded it all off. Ditto again. Ditto again. Then began letting the varnish build up a little with each coat. After Coat #7 I did not sand, and called it done. All this glassing and sanding and varnishing probably took me 2 weeks, at an hour or 2 a day.

Finally! Everything gets assembled, and it actually looks like a rifle! Finished off the stock with a set of quick-release sling swivels and a rough-leather sling. Below are some "after" pix, and some results.

1. View of R side of rifle.
2. View of L side of rifle, with box of handloads. (I did develop a load which is reasonably accurate, using 200 grain Nosler Accubonds. But that's another story.)
3. Went out earlier this week to recheck the load. Yup, I think I'll keep it. Plan on taking this rig to TX this summer to shoot feral hogs.


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