Professional Ordnance AR Pistol


New member
The PO products are very good. I have not shot the pistol but to me it is very user specific


New member
I've got a Carbon-15 Type 97 Pistol. The thing is very cool. While it did jam some during the break in period, it's gotten much better since then. Huge muzzle flash (not tactically great, but it's cool at the range). Doesn't kick much. Can take regular AR-15 mags, though I'm not sure if it's legal because it's technically a pistol and must fall in under a certain weight limit; you may need to stick to plastic mags like the Or-Lites. The sights are alright, but I'd like to throw a laser on it.

My biggest problem is that some ranges won't let you shoot it because of the round. It's actually a rifle round. You need to shoot it outside, or at ranges capable of handling rifle rounds. I had a big fight with Bass Pro-Shops (you can shoot rifles there) because they said I could shoot .223 there, but my gun was an "Assault Weapon" and they don't look too kindly on that (yes, I tried to explain to them it's post-ban).