processed LC 5.56


New member
Does anyone have a good source for fully processed LC 5.56 brass possibly all the same year head stamp ?


New member
I get all mine from the range in that caliber. Now that Trump is in office concerns for saving brass is out the window. Me, I have a couple of 5 gallon containers full of this stuff, just in case there is a drought again.


New member
Honestly i don't know whom may sell it. I'm sure there is some enterprising sole doing it.
All mine has come from range pickup.


New member
There is a company called Fast Brass in Michigan that does this on a large scale. They should be able to help you out. If you google them it'll bring you to their Facebook business page.


New member
Does anyone have a good source for fully processed LC 5.56 brass possibly all the same year head stamp ?

If I were you (since this is what I have done) is just buy a case of LC 5.56mm ammos, shoot it... and then process and reload them. That way you have full control over the brass and it will likely be all one headstamp. My experience with 'once-fired, processed' LC has not been good (in 7.62mm, anyway) and I've sworn off using anyone else's brass.


New member
rebs asked:
Does anyone have a good source for fully processed LC 5.56 brass possibly all the same year head stamp

Processed brass, yes.
Processed brass, all LC headstamp, yes.
Processed brass, all LC headstamp, all same year, no.

The year to year variance in LC brass is minimal, so few people see any benefit to pay for it to be hand-sorted by the year.


New member
Try here -

It is inexpensive enough here to buy several thousand and sort through it yourself. I always buy the damaged by the thousand at under 50 bucks and go through the time and trouble to size, de-crimp and hand work on some for plinking ammo. I even buy their inexpensive pulled bullets.

You will not want the damaged brass if you are shooting competitive or looking for performance match reloading.

Email or call them to see if they can provide you with exactly what you need.