Procedure for bench-shooting?


New member
Never done it, but it may be a better way of tuning my sights.

Assuming indoor range, booth with bench, chairs available.

Does one rests the wrists on the bench, or if one has one of those sandbag-like thingies which part rests on it (the barrel I'd assume) and if so is the butt elevated (the gun's, that is) or resting on the bench?


Eric Larsen

New member
Ive seen and done a couple of different ways to bench rest.

The most common and what I like are the sand bags. Typically
I get 3-4 of them depending on what gun your playing with.
The longer the grip or handle your gun has the more sandbags you need. I always put one under the grip/wrist area also.
The secret for sandbags is they always shift/shrink/move from the recoil of the gun. You are constantly having to readjust them and your gun for proper sight alignment. Its really not a big deal though.

You can get a plastic rest thats adjustable and they work pretty well and they are inexpensive to purchase. Ive used a couple of these and they work well...I just prefer the sandbags.

Ive had guns tested on a Ransum rest also..this is the cadillac.
But only the hardest core shooters have them...usually never see them at a range unless they do ALOT of testing.
These are a very heavily weighted "fixture" rest. Basically, its like a vise that you use different "dies" that fit different guns. You find a die that fits your gun, put the gun with the dies into the rest and dial it in....its the most accurate between shots for obvious reasons. But very hard to find around here and costly to the dies for each gun.

Use sand bags if you want. My rule is no part of my gun touches the bench...just me. Once you get used to adjusting the works like a charm. Get a very heavy duty range bag to carry them in....gotta love it. Look below at how I set up the bags/gun for sandbags.

OOOOOOOO O's = gun
OOOOOOOo X's = bags
XXX ooo
XXX ooo
XXX ooo

One word of caution!!!!!!! Your grip will be different while shooting from ANY rest setup. Watch out for moving parts and your hands. The last time I did the s/bag K40 tried to
tear my thumb off.....I knew better. Be careful.

Shoot well


New member
For adjusting sights I like to use normal grip and steady myself by having wrists or forearm on sand bag or other bag thingie. Then check results by shooting offhand.

For accuracy testing of gun and/or ammo I want the maximum retention and repeatability......machine rest if available.

Machine rest not good for adjusting sights. Nor is resting any part of the gun on anything, soft or hard.

A sighted shot's point of impact is affected by the shooter.



New member
Avoid circumstance where butt of handgun rests on bag. NRA way suggests starting novices with bag(s) under wrists.

Being right handed, what works for me to quickly and closely simulate standing groups is to rest right side of right hand on the edge of a single bag and rest the support (left) hand/wrist on bench ...

jack pringle

New member
for a little of your time, you can make some excellent bags by filling pellet (shotgun) bags with sand. more or less to suit yourself. you could also use parts of pant legs from older jeans you have remaining from making shorts. use good seams to prevent leakage. these perform as well as the most expensive purchased bags.

oh, and load the handgun with medium or low power stuff. plus P and magnums will center a tad off that, but, thats what they make screwdrivers for. a few clicks here and there. it stands to reason that if you are working up loads, you shoot those.

the guns and the loads are all different, just as we are. keep working at it and paying close attention. it will come together.

hope this helps. pj