Problems with my Clark Gator AR upper


New member
I purchased a Clark custom guns Gator AR upper years ago. From the get go it didn't work properly. I had short stroking, some double feeds and rounds getting stuck on the feed ramp. I tried different mags and a different BCG but nothing worked. I emailed clarks customer service and they had me send the rifle back to them. They returned it without saying anything and I still had short stroking.

Sent it back again and received this reply from them.

I have your rifle taken care of, but just have a quick question. We are going to have to replace this barrel due to the shoulder being to far forward and a few other issues I have seen common to Krieger barrels. I would like to put a DPMS barrel on it, but I can order another barrel from somewhere else if you would like to wait longer. I have identified the problem though and it is functioning flawlessly now with the DPMS barrel, and shooting accurately. We can also blue this barrel in house, or I can send it out of shop to have Ion bonded for you. Just let me know what you would like to do. We have been under new management for a year now just so you know, and these types of problems should not happen any more. Thanks!

So my question is would I be short changing myself by going with a dpms barrel or are they good enough. Would I really be missing out by not getting something like a white oak? Btw no matter what barrel I'm getting it will be ion bonded.


Not that I'm a Krieger barrel guru but this seems to be a heck of a drop on the quality ladder. DPMS barrels are what, under $150--while Kriegers are $300(ish)?
Not to be picky but this "customer review" certainly doesn't put Clark in a very good position on my "logo ego" ladder, either.
They mounted and tested(?) a barrel known to have this problem, then had it returned and sent it out again with the same problem barrel??????????????
Then they offer to "fix" the problem by installing a lower mid-range quality barrel.
Even if the DPMS barrel is the same quality as a Krieger, it is half the price. I understand the shop is under new management; but I'm always a bit wary when someone is replacing something under warranty and wants to use a replacement component half the price of the one they originally sold me because it is "just as good."

I guess you'll have to decide if you want it quick or want what you originally purchased.


New member
I would ask them for another Krieger barrel - that's what you paid for and if there was really was a problem with the first one they should be able to recoup that from Krieger. According to the link you posted they are still using them and it seems like if they were having problems with very many of them, they wouldn't still be offering it. My .02 anyway - besides initial accuracy, Krieger barrels are known in my circles for retaining accuracy for a higher round count than many other manufacturers due to their cut rifling.


New member
OP you paid for a very expensive rifle with a top tier barrel. There isn't a snowballs chance I'd take anything less than the Krieger barrel that I paid for. I for dang sure wouldn't accept a DPMS barrel as a replacement. If it were me and they offered a DPMS barrel to replace the Krieger at the same price point (meaning no refund of a certain amount of the total cost) I'd tell them if I wanted a DPMS barrel I'd have saved myself $1500 and bought a DPMS Sportical. Seems to me they are trying to "hoodoo" you and save themselves some money. The fact that they even offered a DPMS barrel as a legitimate replacement to a Krieger is shameful and I now know I'll never do business with them.


New member
You've had issues for years and just recently sent it back? That's a tough one--but I guess if you paid a premium for it they should stand behind it. You could also try contacting Kriger directly--dollars to donuts they don't want bad barrels and dealer representation with their name on it--but that's just a guess.


"We are going to have to replace this barrel due to the shoulder being to far forward and a few other issues I have seen common to Krieger barrels."

I see a couple of problems in this statement.
1:The shoulder being "too far forward" should have been found and fixed before the rifle left the factory the first time. And then they had a do-over and failed to take care of it a second time.
2:"Other issues common to Krieger barrels" indicates there have been previous issues that should have been noted in the original build.
If Krieger has a defective product, that needs to be addressed or their product dropped from the option list.

Some things about this deal seem odd.


New member
Hell no on the DPMS !

Frankly, even suggesting that is out of the question.

Krieger makes exceptional barrels... and there is no viable reason it wouldn't function properly.

If the Krieger wasn't chambered correctly, or the gas hole is somehow blocked/ misaligned...which is possible.... both of those problems could EASILY be fixed by a gunsmith.

I agree with the last post... something smells fishy.

His pushing the DPMS barrel is " no beuno " to me.

I would, ( after ) his appraisal actually demand they he reassembly it as it had come and try to see if Krieger would be willing to look at it.

And tell them why you would like them to look at it... specifically what Clark said.

If I was Krieger, I would want to know about someone like Clark.
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New member
I agree with this--I suspect you really have a gas issue--but hard to tell. I would get a simple slug kit and slug the chamber yourself to see if they are talking BS. If there REALLY was a chamber ream issue--they should offer to replace it with a properly reamed barrel. On the other hand--DPMS barrels DO shoot very well--I have a fluted bull barrel which easily shoots sub MOA--so I would say "yes" to the DPMS offer--along with $1000 in cash to cover their premium mark-up. :)


New member
What ever happened to checking the brass that came out of it? I am guessing they are referring to the chamber shoulder.


New member
What ever happened to checking the brass that came out of it? I am guessing they are referring to the chamber shoulder.
I agree with this too--my guess is that brass should tell at least part of the story with signs of poor sealing to the chamber, gas leaking, brass flow and most of all (I would suspect) inconsistent accuracy. I'd still either slug the barrel or take it off and send it to Krieger--sounds like Clark is really saying it's a Krieger issue--not their's (even though, arguably, it is Clark's responsibility for QC).


New member
I'd bet that Krieger didn't actually cut the finished chamber anyway, I have the impression that custom gunmakers generally do that themselves (ar at least finish a short-chambered blank) but I could be wrong.