Problem with my P-64

So I got new recoil springs for my p-64's. Put them both together.

Now, one of them is kind of messed up. I cannot get the safety to disengage. I can get the safety to about halfway to fire before it simply stops and no amount of force with my thumb can get it to go further. I can move it back to safe. I can rack the slide although the hammer automatically decocks when I let the slide go back into battery.

Anyone have any idea what may be going on?? Not sure what I may have screwed up or how to fix it.

My other P-64 was reassembled the exact same way I believe and works just fine as it did when I got it.
OK, here are some pics that may help.

The good one is on the left, messed up one on the right.


More pics of the offending party




New member
First thing I would do is field strip it and reassemble. If that doesn't work, try putting the original springs back in. I'm thinking you just got something backwards. Make sure you put the recoil spring on right (small end first if I recall correctly).
OK, I think I found out what was wrong... It took some "home gunsmithing" to get it to get off of safe. The right side of the safety appears to be cracked and broken. You might be able to just barely see it in one of the photos. I will need a replacement safety though now it would seem. Anyone know where I can get one?

As for the P-64 itself I am not so sure. I am not as high on them as I am about the Makarov or the CZ-82 which I think highly of though...

I am actually coming up with a chart that ranks them accordingly in a variety of areas for my blog.


New member
Try calling JG sales and Tennessee Gun. They both imported them in large quantities. I'm sure they found some that were too broken to sell so I'm betting they saved some as parts doners.


New member
It doesn't hurt to have more than one of these fine little pistols in case you need parts.

They are sturdy, accurate and reliable, but I don't like to fire more than 100 rounds during a visit to the range. There's not a lot to grip and the cartridge is fairly powerful, so there is noticeable recoil.


New member
1. Can be painful to shoot. Sharp tirgger/trigger guard edges, narrow pistol, small grip, strong recoil.
2. Heavy da pull and OK SA pull with original mainspring. With lighter mainspring, DA is improved/lighter but SA can be scary light.
3. nice waist carry size but slightly too big for pocket carry.
4. Impressive accuracy.

Recoil was not too bad considering that this pistol was going to be for CC but
with the addition of a very heavy DA or very light SA depending on spring, I sold my P-64 after a year of ownership.


New member
I would guess you might need to closer inspect the original recoil spring. If you look at it close, you will notice it is flat vs being rounded. If you bought a Wolf recoil spring, you will notice it is rounded. You have to modify it a bit on a dremmal wheel to get it to be flat like the original. I have no idea if this will even have an effect on the safety but maybe because the spring is a bit longer it is causing extra pressure thus not allowing the safety to pivot. I am just going by memory as I had a p-64 a few years back and replaced the springs in mine too.

Did you replace the firing pin spring too? Maybe go to the P-64 website. There are a bunch of knowledgeable guys over there.


New member
I have 2 P-64s. One has a finicky safety like yours. I don't see anything broken on mine, but I've learned not to put much inward pressure on the safety when releasing it. Seems that helps for me.