Problem with my Kel-tec P-32


New member
My p-32's trigger has to be pulled twice to fire. It's like I have to reset the trigger after every shot. Weird. Never had this happen before.

I emailed Kel-tec, but I was wondering if any of you had heard of this before.


New member
Was it working properly, then suddenly malfunctioned? How many rounds do you have through it? Changed ammo? Is it good and clean? Kel Tec bashers note: double strike capability on the little mouse.


New member
It started this some time between when I last fired it and this time. I even noticed when I pulled the slide back when empty before I ever fired it that I had to "set" the trigger. Did it with hydrashocks and with win white box. It has been fired no more than 50 times. Probably not than many.


New member
Ask the people at Unless you know how to detail strip it, it's going back to Kel-Tec anyway. If you knew how, Kel-Tec might just send you the necessary parts and let you fix it.


New member
I'd take it apart and reassemble it, then rack the slide a few times and see if it's behaving right. Keltecs have a funny setup when cocking them. If it's not functioning right, it's probably not assembled to its liking. Picky little pistols they are.

My P11 had a similar hiccup once.


New member
just bought a p32. used. identical problem. sent off to keltec for repair, told they're currently running a 6 week minimum turn-around. should have it back by end of march.

d sage

New member
Sounds similar to a problem I had with mine. The pin that runs up through the trigger had backed out. I pushed it back in and gave it a drop of super glue. That worked for a while until I sent it back for other issues. KTOG is a good resource. Do a search there and you might get lucky.