Problem with my Bersa


New member
Hi Guys and Gals,

So, I've had my Bersa UC Pro 9mm for a little while now and this past weekend, while at the range, I ran into something troubling that I wanted to run by you.

To start off, the gun has about 500 rounds through it thus far. The first 450 rounds ran fine, but this weekend I put 50 rounds throught it and ran into a problem with both magazines.

In the past, when the slide was locked open, I could slap in a fresh magazine, slingshot the slide to chamber the round and continue on shooting. This past weekend, though, when the slide was open, the fresh magazine, when put in, wouldn't stay inserted. It would just pop right back out. If I closed the slide with the slide release, then tried to insert the magazine, it would insert normally and stay there. This happened with both magazines I have, for all four reloads (10-round mags).

Does it sound like something broke, or is something dirty in there that I'm overlooking while cleaning? This is my first and only semi-auto pistol (all else is revolvers), so I'm not to sure how to diagnose this problem or if I'm doing/not doing something to cause this.



New member

Lock the slide open and put in a magazine with that same ammo and see if the top round is touching the ejector. Also, does an empty magazine do the same thing? AND also does the same thing happen with different ammo? Also, if you load the mag -1, does the issue occur?
I discovered the issue kind of the long way around by noticing that a round that finally loaded, had a line on it from moving along the ejector. Only happened with a full mag on that specific ammo. The ejector has a slight bend inward, and the clearance is very close.

I have had some reloads where the bullet shape caused the top round on a full mag to just touch the ejector causing this same issue in my Firestorm Mini 40 Pro (same gun, older version, different caliber). Not wanting to replace/adjust the ejector, I fixed this issue, by giving the top of the mags a little squeeze, but you could also, just not use that same ammo.


New member

The ammo was used before in the gun without this problem. I have used Federal, Armscor and Independence brands thus far without any problems, prior to this past weekend. The ammo used this weekend was the Independence. So, I don't know if ammo is to blame.

I think it happened with an empty magazine as well.. but can't say for certain now. I had 50 rounds and two mags. So I loaded the first two magazines worth, fully with 10 rounds. I loaded the first magazine with the slide closed and no problems. The slide locked open when the mag was spent and I went to load the second magazine and it popped out without catching. I beleive I took the empty and tried that and it popped out as well. So, I closed the slide and loaded fine. Shot that 10 rounds.

Now I had 30 rounds left. I loaded both magazines full again and had the same issue with inserting them when the slide was back. Closed the slide and they both went in. For the last 10 rounds, I loaded both magazines with 5 rounds each to split the difference. Same issue.. no go when the slide was open, but fine after I closed the slide.

lee n. field

New member

Do you know how to take off the grip? (What looks like a screw head in the heel of the gun, isn't. Put a screwdriver in that slot, push in against the spring, and turn 180 degrees. The let up on the pressure. You'll now be able to take the grip off. Pics linked somewhere on forum.)

You might want to take the grip off and watch what's happening.

And this series to show you how to get the magazine release out.


New member

I was about to refer you to Bersa chat, but I found your post there when you had the issue with one magazine a few months and 300 rounds ago. Aren't the BC guys a bit nuts?

So, you cleaned the magazine catch as they suggested and now it's both mags for sure.

I'm still thinking the tops of the mags have stretched a bit and need to be adjusted or replaced. Are your mags Bersa or off-brand? I clean my magazines fairly often and have caused myself all sorts of pain on re-assembly (do them one at a time). I have found Bersa magazines to be very unforgiving swapping followers, springs, etc. Base plate swaps seem to be okay. I swapped base plates between my UC and HC (works as an extended) mags to get a lower profile on the UC mag (at the cost of 1" at 25').

I still have this issue in my Bersa .380 (so far), but only with off brand mags (again so far). Careful with over adjusting as the opposite problem will occur. Mag won't seat when slide is forward, but seats great with slide open (MecGar mag).


New member
come to think of it

I don't think there are any off brand Ultra Carry magazines

Come to think of it, I haven't seen any either.

This one is bothering me, since I have had this issue with the .380. My .40 only had it with reloads that were admittedly a little too long/wide or something. Once I get the rounds to not hit the ejector pin, this problem goes away.

I just remembered that this also occurs, if I forget to tap the mag to get all the rounds to rear of the mag, but that rarely happens, it is pretty much a muscle memory operation.


New member
I was about to refer you to Bersa chat, but I found your post there when you had the issue with one magazine a few months and 300 rounds ago. Aren't the BC guys a bit nuts?

You know what, I totally forgot about that. You're correct, it did happen that one time earlier on and I forgot all about it. I was using Federal ammo that time, if I remember correctly now. The Bersa Chat is ok, but I find you can get more responses on this forum then over there for some reason. Very passionate Bersa owners over there, but I guess less traffic.

Perhaps I'll have to remove the grips and get in there for a real good cleaning to see if that helps. They are the two Bersa mags that came with the gun when bought new.


New member

I bumped your old post on BC. New mag catch was the answer.

I really want it to be the mags having spread since that is the 'squeeze them with pliers fix', but I do that with my own stuff, and mags are way more expensive for this than the mag catch.