problem with m48


New member
i have a friend that just got an 8mm yugo m48 and it isnt firing. it clicks when you pull the trigger like your shooting it empty. it is just barely dening the primer.


New member
Disassemble the bolt and clean the Cosmoline off of the firing pin and from inside the bolt shroud. It should be OK after that.


New member
That should do it.

(Or at least reveal the problem.)

While you're in there, you might think of installing one of Wolff's "blitzschnell" spring kits. Can't hurt.


New member
Firing pin.

Might also check Brownells and Midway for a replacement firing pin. I had a similar problem with my Turk 38. After a thorough cleaning and reassembly, it still missed on about one of five. Different ammo didn't solve the problem. Found a new firing pin and BAM... worked like a charm. Might want to try it if all else fails.

Most likely, however, a good cleaning is all that is needed. Hoppe's Solvent handles cosmoline pretty well. So does brake cleaner but be sure wipe down with a good gun oil afterwards.

Hope this helps.