Problem with Lee Classic Turret Press


New member
I have had my press for about 5 years and have been very pleased with it. Here is my problem. After loading many thousands of rounds the end of the clear plastic PVC tube became so stretched it would no longer stay in place on the end of the ram. I then sliced off a small piece so the end would now be the same diameter as the original. However, it will not stay in place on the end of the ram, just like before. I push it up as hard as I can but after 10-20 cases it keeps falling off.

I would really appreciate any advice or solution. TIA

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Sounds like maybe it's lost it's elasticity. You should be able to get a tube of the proper size from most any hardware store.

Also, check to make sure you didn't end up with some lube or something else on the knurled end of the ram. That might make it slip.

Lost Sheep

New member
tkglazie said:
a 25 cent radiator clamp would fix you right up
That was my first though. So I had to come up with something else.

A rubber band or "O" ring slipped over the outlet at the end of the ram might just give enough grip to keep the hose on. Or wrap a couple of turns of masking tape around the end of the ram to shim up the looseness of the hose.

Lost Sheep


New member
A wrap or two of tape or even a piece of paper around the ram should take up the slack, then slip the tube over it. I use the Challenger "O" frame type press to decap, and I cut a longer tube from stuff I already had in the garage. It now runs almost to the floor and into a bin that catches the primers. You could also use a taller bin and then dump the primers into your regular collection bin.


Challenger press left, LCT press right. The long tube prevents spent primers from bouncing out all over the floor. The blue trash can is there only to demonstrate the idea. I use it for trash, not for primers. If I'm running something not already decapped I have the tube capped on the LCT press and just dump it into the green bin when done. Yes, those are all primers in the green bin...


New member
Not sure about the Turret. I have the breech Lock Challenger single stage. I use a hose clamp to hold on a tube I replaced the original one with to route spent primers to a trash can with. The clamp cost me around fifty cents at a part store.

Pond James Pond

New member
I cable-tied (zip-tied to you lot) mine right from the outset.

It has worked so far and when the primer tube is getting a bit crowded, I empty through the plugged end rather than removing and tipping.


New member
can you say hose clamp? sure you can.............. $0.39

be a sport and spring for the more expensive one that actually fits......


New member
I like most all of the suggestions.

For a part that low in cost, I wouldn't be surprised if Lee would mail a new one.


New member
I suspect the poly tubing has reacted with the primers and lost it's elasticity, you could try reversing the tube, end for end, but a new tube is the "best" solution.


New member
The plasticizers in many soft plastic parts evaporate over time and lose elasticity, primers have nothing to do with it.

The tubing is cheep at Lowe's/H'depot, replace it or use a small tubing clamp and keep what you have.