Problem with CZ75 Bauska


New member
I took a NIB Bauska out to the range and put some magazines through it (about 100 rounds). I noticed that the slide wouldnt go forwards all the way and needed a nudge to get it closed. This happened about 25% of the time. I was wondering whether it was just the pistol needing some range time to have tolerances loosen up.

When I got home to clean it I remembered that it was NIB and probably had the storage grease on it, which might cause some issues - anybody tell me if that has happened to them before?

Usually I'm pretty meticulous about following the rules and cleaning a pistol before I go shoot, but it was a last minute addition to the pistols I was bringing and I admit that I was in a rush. Havent had chance to bring it back yet to test it after thorough cleaning.


New member
It could be

The factory grease thing
A bur somewhere which might dissapear after some shooting and a good cleaning
The ammo (not unusual at all)
Weak recoil spring.

I would give it a throrough cleaning first and some proper lube, and see if that solves it.


New member
Inherited it all from father. He collected lots of things and I'm still trying to shoot them all. SIG 210 NIB, two Interarms Mauser P08s NIB, MAB P15 NIB, Belgian Browning HP NIB, etc...

Most of the items are duplicates so I dont have to feel bad about shooting up a NIB version.


New member
"Bauska" is the company that originally imported them in the 80's. Its in nice silver letters on side of frame (little too big for my tastes).

Some people will claim that these earliest models are more durable or more well-made than later models. I cannot confirm or deny those rumors. The CZ75B as you may or may not know has the firing pin block.


New member
Problem is with magazines

I think I tracked down the problem with the pistol not feeding reliably. Both magazines have a tendency to have the cartridges 'nosedive' - the springs seem like they're weak and not advancing the cartridges reliably. Springs seem weak.

Was this an issue with early magazines? I have two later ones still in the plastic that I will have to try out. Maybe get some springs from Wolff for the stock ones.


New member
George - The mags should be ok, especially if everything was still in the grease. I've never had a problem with the early mags that I own, but I replaced the original springs with the Wolff springs, since the guns they came with were used. The conventional wisdom is that CZ mag & recoil springs are somewhat on the weak side, and many owners switch them out with the extra power ones from Wolff, although that is starting to be questioned now by some owners.

Is it also possible that there might be a burr on the extractor or breech face that is not allowing the cartridge to chamber properly?

Also be aware that later 15 round mags made by Mec-Gar will not fit the early CZ75 model, as the magwell on the Pre-B's were narrower, but factory 10 rounders work fine.


New member

is probably right - sometimes these burrs get smoothed and the gun then feeds great. Breech face well could be a bit crude. CZ does not always finish all the machining to the "T". Older CZ mag followers do tend to nose dive, although this does not seem to hinder mine. But, just to make certain, I have replaced most of mine with new four leg followers. You also could have a fairly rough feed ramp.

I did have one or two rounds in my PreB early on which needed a nudge - so could be the burrs need smoothed.

Walt Sherrill

New member
If rounds are nosediving, there's a chance the mag springs are weak -- but that shouldn't give the symptoms you described. (They simply wouldn't feed far at all -- what you describe is rounds that feed, but not fully.)

But, mag springs are cheap, from Wolff, and that's something you may want on hand, anyway.


New member
You are correct - I should clarify. First time out had to nudge the slide closed. Now having problems feeding because rounds are vertical in the magazine - weak springs. Will get some new +10% Wolf springs and see if this fixes anything.