problem sizing .270 Win brass


Member In Memoriam
Well, sizing it goes OK enough, but some don't chamber nearly as easily as most others. Feels almost like I've the bullet seated out a tad too far & am hard engarving into the rifling. Problem is - I haven't seated the bullets yet.

All brass is w/in +/-.002" OAL (at 2.535"), primers all seated below flush, neck thickness is right at .012-.013"

All but new brass - some with 1X firings - & actually the once-fired measures a couple thousands larger just above the web area - they chamber - stuff that hasn't been fired yet is more difficult.

Only thing I can think of off-hand is that somehow the shoulder is being pulled out a bit when the expander nipple drags out & sizes the neck. I've used either a mica and/or sizing lube on all of 'em.

Kind of a teaser .....


Member In Memoriam
Looks to be just below the shoulder & in a very specific(maybe .050") area. I can see what's likely to be the problem area - but not what's causing it.

There'll all going through the same sizing die.

Steven Mace

New member
.270 Winchester Dimensions


Labgrade, how do the dimensions on your brass compare to the picture above?

Steve Mace


Member In Memoriam
OAL length's been trimmed to -.005" max, fired cases (these don't stick) are about .476" just above the web (but again, these aren't sticking & anyway, have been firer-formed in my rifle), rims in spec, neck're right at .309" & I don't have the proper measuring equipment to get actuals on the rest (no optical comparitor, etc.)

BTW, those dims are SAAMI specs & do have a +/- tolerance - they're not basic dims & all several of my manuals were ref'd before I started this thread.

I do see a minute "smudge" (dykum'd the sholder area) where it looks like I've got some intereference.

Oh yeah, the sizing die was screwed in tight to the ram, given an extra ~1/16 turn so it'd can over & squeeze out everything the die could do. These are antelope loads ....

Too, I've got close to 40 years in bottle neck reloading ... still, wouldn't be the first time I've spaced something blatanly basic.


New member
labgrade, Could it be your sizing die? Believe it or not I have had trouble with two separate Redding sizing dies in two different calibers. The problem was somewhat different than yours but could still come into play if the die is damaged or in my case not sizing the case down far enough to fit the chamber of a BR rifle.

Also could be your chamber. Another possibility is to FL size then try them if your just neck sizing.----------Chainsaw


Member In Memoriam
Sizing die is all I can think of. Just started loading for .270 - rifle inherited from Dad - new brass, new RCBS dies.

As mentioned, I'm camming the ram over & full-length sizing much as the thing'll do.

Problem goes away when fire-forming.

Must be some eccentricity betwixt the die & the chamber. When the right (wrong) condiitions match up, I get that small interference.

Doesn't seem to be all that big of deal - everything still chambers - but kinda bugs me. I wanted to throw together some antelope loads & wanted fully sized, no hassle in chambering rounds.

Guess I'll sort 'em all beforehand & use the smoothies for hunting & the stcklers for sighting in. Maybe send the dies back after The Hunt.


New member
Just to keep from leaving any terns unstoned...

Try backing the die off till the shell holder just kisses it.

Then run a couple of samples.

Shouldn't help but I'd try it anyway.

You might be camming over hard enough to distort the die and press.



Member In Memoriam
I'll give it a shot, Sam, but I run the die down to touch the shell holder, lower the ram some & give the die another ~1/16 turn (whatever - just enough to feel it "cock some") & lock 'er. Standard for everything else bottle-necks.

I dunno ...