Probably a simple question but...


New member
I picked up a coupld five round AK mags at the gun show this last weekend. When they are inserted, they seat a little rough, but latch ok, but on 3 out of 4 of the mags, I can' pull the bolt carrier back to chameber a round. Also scrapes up the case on the top cartridge in the magazine.

Do I just need to file the feed lips down on the mags?


New member
You obviously have "issues" with either the rifle or the magazines.

As simple and strong as the AK magazine is, you'd think that anyone could build them so they will work, BUT... this isn't always the case.

It's very possible you just plain got a batch of junk magazines.

If standard magazines work well in your rifle, it's almost certainly bad magazines.
Filing on the magazine lips will RUIN the magazine.

Without being able to actually SEE the magazines and rifle, no one is going to be able to diagnose exactly what the problem is, so the only good advice I can give is to take the rifle and mags to a gunsmith and let him see if he can spot the problem.

If it's crappy magazines, your best option is to pitch them, buy a better brand, and chalk it up to experience.