Pro-Gun presidential candidate.


New member
Is there anyone running I can vote for that even stands a chance? I've been trying to do research but it seems to me that every major contender is pro-gun control. Am I being misinformed are there absolutely no pro-gun candidates that have a real chance?


New member
Rudy- Anti gun
Romney- Anti gun (mad an a*shole out of him self last week)
McCain- shakey... hard to trust him on any issue
Ron Paul- Pro gun
Tancredo- Pro gun
Hunter- Pro gun

On the Democrat side.. Hillary and Obama- both rabidly anti gun.

If things keep up with the way they are going, the 2008 election is going to be very dark for gun owners. The top candidates for both parties are not too gun friendly.

I don't have much faith in DC.. regardless of who is in power. Basically, the ATF is the biggest problem. The actions of the ATF are going unchecked. The politicians in the congress can be somewhat held accouuntable for what they do (or don't do). The bureaucrats at the ATF are pretty much held accountable by nobody (as we learned a few times back in the 90's). The federal government realizes that they won't be able to shut us down with legislation.. so they are going to use the administrative bureaucratic approach to do it through the ATF. They are shutting down gun shops at a very rapid rate for small BS mistakes on 4473 forms.

If we elect Republicans, things will go to hell in a handbasket at a steadyrate. If we elect Democrats, things will go to handbasket at a very rapid rate. Both groups are pretty much one in the same- they both are driven by money, the thirst for power, and their large egos.

It's time to elect men like Ron Paul. He has my vote.


New member
I agree that all politicians only vote the way that puts the most money in their pocket. My vote would be for Ron Paul also if I thought he had any chance whatsoever. Sounds to me this is just going to be a "anybody but Hildog" for us gun owners.


New member
Fred Thompson. He's the only prospective candidate that I can think of who has a snowball's chance and doesn't stink of hypocrisy and exude an aura of excessive political polish.

McCain can not be trusted, just on his own merits. Another problem with McCain is this: the press has not forgotten about his being one of the Keating Five, and it is my belief that the press is trying to manipulate the republicans into nominating McCain and that would be immediately followed by a revival of that scandal as a means of torpedoing republican hopes for 2008.

Romney? Guiliani? No thanks. Hunter and Tancredo may be good guys, but neither stands a chance.