Pro-Gun Conferences and.... Careers?


New member
2-part question. :)

Every once in a while, there will be a thread about something that happened at a pro-gun or pro-2A conference. How would one go about learning of these conferences ahead of time? And, are they expensive?

Is there such a thing as a second amendment career? Perhaps in policy analysis or something? If so, how would one find out about job opportunities, and what kind of education is needed?

Thanks ya'll :)
Become a lobbyist. If you get noticed by the gun lobby, they may just pick you up. Jim March is a viable candidate if he should elect to leave his present employment. Or you become a local small potato politician and may get picked up after you're out of office. I've seen some ex-politicos running around the State Capitol playing lobbyist.

Become a cop and not just a regular patrol officer but a firearms instructor/armorer. Get to know all the factory reps and if you work for a large agency, you may just land a job as a law enforcement liason. Alternative is to go military and become some sort of special forces. As a non-com, you'll have a lot of credibility and they want that as trainers or reps.

Regarding pro-gun conferences, you're talking NRA, Shot Shows, law enforcements shows (IALEFI, Trexpo, NATOA, IACP (pro-gun?), and last, there's a society of American Police Trainers (can't remember the acronym right now)).


New member
"How would one go about learning of these conferences ahead of time?"

Join the organizations which host these conferences. I believe that SAF (Second Amendment Foundation) and CCRKBA (Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms) are two of the ones which host many of these conferences.

As far as a career, again, join some of these organizations and see what type of paid employment might be available. Mike Irwin might be a good source about the pros and cons of working for the NRA.

Or, become a highly successful lawyer and make your name known in legal circles for winning pro-2A cases.


New member
another thought...

Are you a member of Mass GOAL? (Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League) You can start working on the local level, get a taste of what it's all about, and try to move up the food chain.

I have a feeling that you will have to start small and work your way up.

Just a few quick, random thoughts on the issue which I hope help.