Pro 2nd Shortwave Freqs?


New member
Does anyone have some freqs for Pro-2nd shortwave radio sites?
I've had a fairly good Kenwood XCVR for several years and have finally decided to put it to good use.

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms;
History shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler
"Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, and destroy their rugged- ness.
Get control of all means of publicity, and thereby get the peoples' mind off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities.
Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance."

Vladimir Ilich Lenin, former leader of USSR

double a

New member
Donny, There are several that I listen to. (5085) has GOA with Larry Pratt or Jeff Bennett every Mon. at 8:00 pm EST. (5070)has Stan Solomon at 9:00 pm EST every night M-F. These 2 stations have good shows on usually every evening. I think (5070) has "The American Sovereign) with Brent Johnson at 6:00 pm EST which is usually pretty good. Also, if you look for a persons website, they usually have the time and station. Hope this is helpful. Happy listening!


New member

Watch out for all of the kooks on SW. They will say ANYTHING to make a buck. I have heard some of the wildest stories about black helicopters, foreign troops on US soil, and other such nonsense just to scare people into buying gold coins or something else that thay done need.


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New member
There are alot of good programs on shortwave. It took me awhile to buy a sw radio, but I am glad that I did. On 50.70 at 6 am central Monday through Friday David J. Smith has a really good two hour show. Alot of it deals with religion and with the current socialist system in this country, and what we can look forward to. Alex Jones is on 50.85 from 9pm-12am central Monday-Friday, and again on 12.172 ssb from 11am-2pm. This is a single side band broadcast during the day.
Other good frequencies are 68.90, 75.80, 12.160 and 9400. With ssb you can also listen to ham radio, which can really help in an emergency.