"Pro 2A Washington" TFL/THR "shootin' is a hoot" gala extravanzia and survival week-e

Dean C

New member
"Pro 2A Washington" TFL/THR "shootin' is a hoot" gala extravanzia and survival week-e

OK, it's time to start thinking about the 2nd annual "Pro 2A Washington" TFL/THR "shootin's a hoot" gala extravanzia and survival week-end.

Time: Some time in the May, June, July.
Place: Central WA to keep it central to the state.
Details: Camp-out, food pool or bring what you want for yourself (pool worked well last year).

More details to follow as the time gets closer and more interest is generated.

This is just a starter thread to get the event in sight.

Check out: http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=192045 for last year's happenin's. It was great.

Posted on THR too.


New member
Wow, I thought I started early last year when May June was 4 months out not 6 or 7 months:D . Hopefully this has some staying power. I will keep an eye out.


New member
Last year, the event fell on the weekend before the last week of school. i had a blast and will be doing it again, but the timing sure made it tough. :D

June 23/24 or later would be my vote.


PS, Whoever is in charge of weather for that weekend, take a note: Try not to turn my stew into a soup, this time. :D


New member
Sounds like fun.

Hey guys.
I'm out of Ft. Lewis/Tacoma, and would love to participate this year. I'm in Iraq right now, but we are scheduled to be home tentatively some time in late spring or early summer (can't put out more on the net due to OPSEC).

If the timing works out for me, I'll definitely be there. Please PM me and keep me up with the developments, especially the dates. I'd be more than happy to help out as much as I can.

Also, a combo food pool/BYOF sounds like a good idea to me. Be more than happy to chip in.


New member
Try to schedule it between Gunshow weekends.
That'll give us a chance to stock up on ammo right before the GTG.

Unless there happens to be a shoot close to the GTG. That could be a hoot.

Dean C

New member
You bet we'll wait for you. Shucks, we might even save you an extra plate of beans.

Seriously, thanks for being over there and please come home safe. Ya' don't want to miss the "gala event".

From my heart,


New member
The date is set for the weekend of June 16th. This is planned to be a two day event if you wish to camp over night otherwise we will get together on a daily basis. The location will be around Ellensbrg, Vantage, or Yakima to keep it more central. Keep posted for more details. You will eventually be requested for an email address to receive group information from MSN to keep it organized and keep this thread shorter. Hope to meet a bunch of new faces in June.




New member
That date is just perfect for me, Polish/Dean. I'm still working on FirstInLine to come along and I keep getting the same answer: "Plumbing? Showers?" :D


Dean C

New member
I've already taken the Friday before off. I'll be available for hauling stuff when needed.

Got to get up in the area and shoot some yotes soon. I'm startin' to go into withdrawal.



New member
Great choice!

I had no previous plans for that weekend.
And since Puyallup is two weeks before (and close to the first of the month) I can stock up on ammo.

As soon as the location is determined I'll start investigating local motels so I can be there both days.

Dean C

New member
If we end up at Polishrifleman's place like last year, Ellensberg is the closest for a place to stay. I'm headin' up to the E-berg area when the snow starts melting to do some yote hunting. I'll post when I'm headin' up and perhaps a bunch of can swarm the area. :D Might just end up being another $ = smoke and noise day. I'm always a sucker for just shootin'.


New member
Polish's Palace it is. Check into the Pro 2A Washington site for details.

Dean, got your email with the news clippings. Passed them on to our first-aid trainer. She was very impressed. 'Course, I coulda told 'em you were too onery to give up. :D :p


Dean C

New member
Not too many here from TFL. What's up?
Last year was a fantastic time. I was a bit cautious on Fri. when I arrived but left Sunday knowing I have made several Life Long Friends.

Oh yea, Pops, my story was on the CBS Evening News last Tues.



New member
Hi all. I just put in my request to join the Pro 2ndA msn group.

I'm not certain yet of my travel plans, but I'd love to join you all in Ellensburg this year for some food and firearms. I can give more details later when neccessary.



New member
Less than 2 weeks out. It looks like we will have a pretty good turn out. In the event you want to join it isn't too late, plus gas prices have gone down a little so we can spend the extra money on ammo.:D


New member
A TRUELY great time!

I'm going to keep looking, but it appears I managed to get my Remington Nylon 66 with the big scope mixed in with someone else's gear. Lemme know if you end up with an extra. :D
