private shipping of ammunition?


Member In Memoriam
Spaced leaving some 12ga ammo on my trip to FL. I'd like to ship it where it was supposed to stay.

Can I just pack it up, give the $$s to Fed-Ex (or?) & send it off?

Any restrictions on me doing this other than (possibly) telling the carrier what's in "the bag?"

BTW, nice to have TFL back on-line & nicer to be back home.

Greg L

New member
I don't think that there would be any restrictions (other than letting the carrier know so they could put the appropriate sticker on the box). However as screwed up as everything is getting in the name of "security" don't count on it.

I would call the carrier that you want to use and ask them what the procedure is (from a pay phone with the foil hat on if you feel it is needed ;) :D ).

Greg (glad to be back here too)


New member
I just shipped 65lbs of ammo to Wisconsin through UPS. It was the same procedure as it always has been:

  1. No need to call ahead.
  2. Box up the ammo however you want - loose or packed.
  3. Tell the person at the counter that it's ammo.
  4. They slap a "Needs Adult Signature" sticker on the box.
  5. I go on my way, no extra charges.

    I believe that technically there has to be a minor HazMat applied to the box. As long as it's under the maximum regular shipping weight of 80lb, they let it slide.

    I'm sure FedEx is similar.


New member
Having been through this in the past year with UPS - a few minor corrections/enhancements to yankytrash's instrustions:

The ammo cannot be loose (though I doubt if they will open the box to check)

The package should be labeled ORM-D somewhere.

You can't ship it UPS air.

This doesn't apply to 12 ga, but pistol ammo cannot be shipped to certain states/localities.

Even though they may stamp it Adult Signature, the UPS folks leave it on my front porch if I'm not home.

If the rules have changed recently, I stand corrected.


New member
Make sure it is labeled ORM-D this rule has been in effect since the early 90's and carries a 25k fine and prison time if prosicuted , call ups and ask them they know there rules .they where pretty helpfull when I had to send ammo to a test lab .