Private purchase strawman


New member
A guy is interested in purchasing my gun, but his friend is going to pick it up. I have no obligation to check on the buyer in a private transaction, but if I know the gun is going to someone else, do I have to worry about some kind of strawman purchase rule?


New member
You might want to check your local or state laws by calling the DA's office. That's assuming they know. Even if it is legal, which it probably is, you should still back yourself by getting all the pertinent info on the buyer: name, address, etc. A friend of mine who buys and sells a lot of guns has had the sheriff's office call more than once because a gun he sold later was used in a crime. He was then able to give them the buyer's name and keep himself out of any trouble.



Unless you live in certain fascist States, "straw man purchases" concern FFL sales. You are not an FFL, are you? You are not going to a gun store to buy a gun for someone else, are you?

I wonder how long it will take the BATF to decide that a birthday present is a strawman purchase?



New member
I think the NRA web-site has a state gun laws library. However, I do not think they guarantee that the information is complete or correct.

I live in Maryland, and private firearms transfers have to be papered by the State Police. I am sure all the criminals are racing to the State Police barracks to register their transfers of firearms. This is a neo-facist or crypto-Communist state? Take your pick.

Lots of gun laws and lots of crime. Maryland now leads the nation in the highest percentage of robberies. Congradulations are in order. Send to Governor Glendenning.
Do not use big words.


Could be a BATF set up!

Drothen, I assume that Idaho is probably pretty lenient but just to be safe, check to see if your State's Attorney General has a web-site. If so the rules are probably posted. If not, I agree with Monkeyleg, check to make sure. Most ATF rules only apply to FFL dealers, but the state can impose stricter rules. Better to be safe than sorry! By the way, what ya selling? In our state it is still legal to sell outright individual to individual, but our AG promulgated the rule that if it's a pistol you have to get the buyer's permit. What the seller is suppose to do with it is a mystery to me! I guess it would indicate that the person has passed a background check, and the state gets it's share of the booty in the cost of the permit. Hey it's a permit, it's not a tax!

Bam Bam

New member
According to one dealer I talked to in NYS a birthday purchase is a strawman purchase. The 'end user' has to be the one on the 4473. Feh! I don't remember ceding to the government the power to approve or disapprove my birthday gifts for friends or family.

Jeff Thomas

New member
I'm not going to spend the time to look this up, but ... if it were me, I'd want to verify it was a buyer in-state, and of legal age. It wouldn't be worth it to find out later that I had just sold a sidearm to a 15-year-old visiting from CA.

Regards from AZ


New member
As it turns out, this guy's friend is an FFL holder! I'll verify that, but that seems to solve the problem.

Oh - I'm selling by Beretta 92FS. Have not been doing it justice since I got my P7M8. Besides, I'm looking at that Taurus titanium .41mag for hiking. . .