
long rider

New member
Whats the deal with the primers? i can not get them
anywhere in AZ bass pro or cablas or sportmans or
any gun shop, whats the deal anyone know whats
going on?????:mad:


New member
If your talking primers for reloading cartridges including 209's, there is a pretty big shortage and will be for a while. If your talking caps, keep looking they were scarce around here but I finally stumbled upon some.


New member
Long Rider, it's been going on across the U.S. & C.S. since about two weeks before President Obama was sworn into office. That and the new ammo/labeling bill that may not have passed.
There's been a shortage... try Gamelas (spellin') or on line stores like Midway or others.
Same shortage in CA ...

long rider

New member
HEY smokin do you think that ob*** as er anything
to do with this? cause im pis*** i was looking to load
a few hundread bp 45 colt for my 58 remmi , so i can
go up to prescott , its to hot now in the valley.:eek:


New member
Good luck Bro, primers are as scarce as hens teeth. You best off getting on the phone and call every mom and pop gun shop in a hundred mile radius and see if they have them in stock, otherwise get on someones waiting list. Good Luck......


New member
Two things going on. War and hording.

I just got word the other day that a primer maker is making them by the millions and like that, they are gone. 40 million per week at one place making them. This came from a reputable source - trust me, I'm a lawyer. :rolleyes:

People are also afraid that Big O will take our guns away. They are stocking up in that event.

It frustrates me, too, as I am running out of ammo for shoots since I can't find much out there, especially .22's.

The Doc is out now. :cool:
I've heard of primer shortages, but never knew how severe is was- when my Dad died of cancer back in 1998, I inherited all his reloading stuff- including several case packs of small rifle, large rifle, small pistol, large pistol, and shotgun primers. I think there's 1000 primers in each box, and there was perhaps 6 or 8 boxes, but I'd been shooting them up at a fast rate. I am still shooting the powder he left, and have not got through all of it in 11 years- the stuff was going to go bad in the damp basement, and one pack of 100 primers gave hang fires. But after hearing this, I may curb my shooting a bit and safe some.

the OP asked what's going on- here's the answer-hopefully I won't get slapped for this, but the big ammo-powder-primer-shot companies are playing it safe and not over-stocking/producing too much, for fear the current politicians may pass "serialized" ammo laws, or outlaw some ammo altogether, they don't want to get stuck with millions $$$ in primers/ammo/powder/shells that Congress may deem "illegal for sale"

we're in a tough spot politically as shooters, and the average gun owner/shooter doesn't realize how close a shave it is, to losing our gun rights. If the liberals get a 60 vote majority in Congress, look out- and I know hunters who are not even NRA members, who think there's no reason for alarm

well there is !!

and I want to tell you fellas something else- I know a lot of guys not shooting their ammo now, and saving it, because they're afraid if they use it up carelessly at the range, they may regret it- each bullet may be a meal or self-protection shot someday

long rider

New member
Yea its like that at sportsmans werehouse, panic
buyers wait out side for there delivery and they
just put the stock in carts and bing bang they are all
gone in secs, they dont even have bp sub no more.
its just as well i have plenty of caps and powder,
but not a lot of balls. THIS SUCKS.:mad:
Thanks guys for your info.


Haven't had a problem getting primers. Bought a case of WLP's and an 8lb can of Unique at a gunshow about two months ago. Seller had plenty of both.

long rider

New member
ITS a pity that we live so far apart?
i would have give you some bucks
for primers, like i said im good on
powders, i did read some time ago
that you can make your own primers
but im not sure about that.:rolleyes::D


New member
A little off topic but regarding the ammo shortage. I know of at least a couple of instances where my local gun shops are grabbing what they can at the local Walmarts then marking it up and putting it on their own shelves. So if your local Walmart appears out you may want to check out your local gun shop. Chances are they have some Walmart ammo on their shelves.


New member
A little off topic but regarding the ammo shortage. I know of at least a couple of instances where my local gun shops are grabbing what they can at the local Walmarts then marking it up and putting it on their own shelves. So if your local Walmart appears out you may want to check out your local gun shop. Chances are they have some Walmart ammo on their shelves.

Funny you mention that, I heard a story about one gun shop owner standing at the front of a line at a gun show, doors opened he walked over to a ammo distribution table and bought the guy out of everything for $20,000.00 if I remember correctly. What is funny, when the panic is over primers will fall back down, like gas did, and there will be a lot of people sitting $70.00+ per K of primers.


New member
Another I "heard"

Was up at the Cheyenne Wells mg shoot (I put several thousand downrange) where I heard a couple of guys talking that the .gov had ordered 2 trillion primers which was stated to be = to 2 years domestic production.
Probably horse hockey, .gov doesn't load anymore but it would sure give .gov leverage of the real ammo makers et al....oops did I just make things worse??



New member
Based on several threads on other sites and a few e-mails of my own it is just a tough time in the gun and ammo biz.
Before Obamambo got elected people were already starting to stock pile ammo and loading supplies as well as buy guns they felt may be band.
It has created greater demand than supply.
Manufactures are not going to invest capitol in more equipment to step production up because of the current political situation.
I got an e-mail back for RP stating they are at full production and supply is starting to catch up with demand.
Lets hope so because I need primers bad.


New member
I have heard the same, my local gun shop owner said Federal was backed up till mid 2010 on the .223. Federal said they only had one machine working full steam to cover consumer demand, all the rest was to a government contract.


New member
I think the manufacturers are also fearful that once we get past the hump that demand will drop significantly below pre-Obama levels because those who horded now have their fill. Let's face it...the guys who are hording can not and will not horde forever.

Ammo and gun manufacturers will suffer long term when demand goes below the floor.


New member
HEY smokin do you think that ob*** as er anything
to do with this?

My opinion in a word, YES!

But congress has had all this time to bring up all that they were savin' for the Preasident to OK...if they don't get voted out before hand.
So keep votin' and/or prayin'... ~:)~


New member

i am totally stocked on all primers large rifle, small rifle, large pistol, small pistol, shotgun, #10, #11 plenty on hand for ME :D