primers will only be good for one year

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New member
a friend of mine who more/less got me into reloading said that he had heard or there is talk about that sometime mid year this year they are going to make primers where they will only be good for a year then will be inert.... anyone help me out to whether or not there is any truth in this.... :confused:


New member
Welcome back to the mid 1990s. The same nonsense was spread then.

Or, yeah, it's true, and I've got 10k "old style" primers that I'll sell you for $200/1000.



New member
tkx Bit.... i have been loading for only months now... so knew nothing of the history repeating itself aspect... but tkx.... maybe i will quit buying them now...


New member
There does not appear to be any truth to this rumor. There are lots of rumors spreading right now and while most of it can be attributed to Obama-fever, a lot of it seems to have been planted by people who sell ammunition, etc. or are just plain paranoid.

Yes, we may very well see another assault gun ban in the next year or so. We may even see a small ammo tax (although this is much less likely). We are unlikely to see anything else happen, especially with the Democrats trying to fix the economy.

Feel free to run out and but 10 years worth of primers, the cost of everything always goes up. What you pay for now will probably cost 2X as much in a decade. But have no fear that anyone will be "tampering" with them anytime in the future.


New member
Mass hysteria......... I wonder if the gun industry stays up at nights working on new rumours to spread? If they do, its pure genius!
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Absolute crock of crapola.

How would it be done? Little timers in each primer?

Primers are a combination of chemicals. It's very difficult to make a chemical combination outside of a controlled enviroment that will act like this.


New member
This proposal gets kicked around every so often, as a means of limiting the overall ammunition supply. We consider it crap, but the people who propose it are dead serious about it.

As for the impossibility of doing it, they really don't care, just as they don't care that ballistics fingerpringing is useless and viable smart guns don't exist.


New member
I had stocked up on primers, powder and other goodies, just in case they slap a tax on that stuff. Think about this though. Why would they even take a chance on making some primers or powder that had a short shelf life? How could they do that? Might they be worried that our military troops would get some dud primers? Would we be able to take out all those Zombies before our powder or primers went dead? Just some thoughts to ponder on a great Wednesday night.......:)


How would it be done? Little timers in each primer?

Primers are a combination of chemicals. It's very difficult to make a chemical combination outside of a controlled enviroment that will act like this.

the answer is nanobots

Of course, at that point, the problem will not be the lifespan of the primers, but the $2.4 million dollar per primer price tag

as it's been said before, it's complete and utter horse dooky.


New member
I know there's a shortage of primers.....that may be the most clever rumor I've heard to discourage others from buying what's left. (shameless, absolutely shameless)


New member
you cant make a chemical that would activate after exaclty one year.
how would you activate the stuff upon sale of primers?? Scan it at point of sale to activate the bad stuff??
Nah, its crap. I have resorted to vaccum sealing all the primers ill ever need in meat packing plastic. I got a bunch of them stashed away for " a rainy day" hope my house dont get too warm. Their will be a crater


New member
I love this, I know people usto live in caves, huts and mud houses, they also had to walk or ride a horse, no cars, airplanes, or space shuttles. We need to think about technology for a bit guys, mechenical, electrical, chemical medicine ext. WE PUT MEN ON THE MOON!!!! If you guys really think someone cannot come up with some kind of primmer that will render itself basicly usless in aproximetly a year YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!


New member
a lot of it seems to have been planted by people who sell ammunition

Yes, like the guy in a local shop here in December that explained to a woman that there would be a 100% ammo tax in our state effective 1/1/09. She walked out with 10 boxes of 9mm! I almost called him on it... But he was packing:D
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