Primers & Pressure


New member
Pounds of pressure to ignite primer?

Just out of curiousity, how many pounds of pressure does it take for the primer to ignite?

Don't really understand the question. Could you, maybe, rephrase it?

Mal H

It's not totally a question of pounds (force), a primer requires a certain speed of impact as well, and I don't know exactly how fast that speed needs to be.

To illustrate, if you slowly push a firing pin shaped object into a primer in a normally primed case, it will not go off, the primer pellet will crush and the pin will eventually pierce the primer cup. In reality, you have exerted considerably more force on the primer than a hammer/firing pin does. Yet with the speed of the hammer coming into play the primer will go off.

So the bottom line answer to the original question is - it depends. :)


New member
but an impact force, or as I previously said: inpact, does involve speed to. I know what you mean. Its also considerably harder to set of a primer with a sharp Ice Pick than with a 1.5mm rounded pin punch

Mal H

Exactly - my reply was directed at the original poster, not you, even though it immediately followed your reply. 'Impact' is the correct word to use. But the speed required in the impact is a variable and is an unknown to me.


New member

Im going to see if this is somethig that I can use my resources of scientific equipment to actualy quantify a number....

We'll see.


New member
Thanks guys for the replies. Avizpls rephrased it better, so thanks Avizpls. :)

It just popped into my head when I was looking over spent casings and unfired cartridges and wondered how much force or speed it took for the primer to go off.

Thanks again.