Primers now a commodity on wall street


Staff In Memoriam
Starting tomorrow, 2 April, 2009. Primers will join Oil, Gold, Porkbellies, Wheat and other well known commodities on the NYMEX, CME and USFE. Prices may surge and be as manipulated as OIL has been. This may cause a severe shortage and a rush. Just be careful!


New member
Geez, I can't wait for the idiots to go broke. The only reason for primers to be that hard to find are the rumors about coding or punitive taxes. The clerk at the reloading shop and I had a good laugh about it earlier today; there's just no rational reason for the run on them.


New member
I'm sure glad I have enough for the next year or so of reloading and bought them while they were cheap.

This isn't the first time I have seen such a run on a commodity. Once it starts, it takes on a life of its own, the would be buyers see the empty shelves and that reinforces the perception of a shortage leading to more panic buying and even emptier shelves and on and on.

When the vicsious circle finally breaks down, people will have so many primers that they won't need to buy any for a long time and store shelves will be overflowing with primers that they can't sell and prices will plummet just like gasoline prices did a few months ago. A lot of people will kick themselves every time they look at those cases of primers that they paid scalper prices for.


New member
people will have so many primers that they won't need to buy any for a long time and store shelves will be overflowing with primers that they can't sell and prices will plummet

Artificially inflated prices need to come down, anyway. If this should happen.... I'll finally be able to purchase enough primers to replenish my stock.

I have found some regularly stocked, in one of our local stores. However, $38+ per thousand is more than I am willing to pay. I was angry last year, when I had to pay $23 per thousand.


New member
I read most of that. What was the most disturbing to me was the California AB 1984. Which involves TAXXING FRIGGIN AIR!!! So people who shoot pellet guns that are Co2 cannister powered have to pay a yearly fee of 95$ and 25 $ per fill up. Uhm, folks, we are about at a total loss there in California. Its best to let it just finish burning up and rebuild later. those people have frigging lost their whole damn mind!!


New member
armedtotheteeth said:
I read most of that. What was the most disturbing to me was the California AB 1984. Which involves TAXXING FRIGGIN AIR!!! So people who shoot pellet guns that are Co2 cannister powered have to pay a yearly fee of 95$ and 25 $ per fill up. Uhm, folks, we are about at a total loss there in California. Its best to let it just finish burning up and rebuild later. those people have frigging lost their whole damn mind!!

Didn't you notice the date of the article? The fact that it was April 1st might indicate the acuracy of the article. Also the number of the so-called bill (1984) might give another clue.:D


Staff In Memoriam
Yes I did copy and paste 3 links. I did tell the guy on the board I seen them on that they were farce but had to share them here.
Man I never seen so many big name outfits join in the April Fool's Day fun!:D