Primers in stock :-(


New member
I stopped at a local large gun store on Thursday, looking for primers. Lo and behold they had all different kinds. Federal match, Fed standard, large pistol, large rifle, small pistol, small rifle, magnum, Winchester, CCI, etc.
Only problem was the price. They were asking $62.99 for a pkg of 1000 Fed 150 primers.
You read that right, $62.99! "I got it, you want it, you pay."
I expected to pay a premium, but not for the owners retirement and his kids college education all at once.

They stayed in the store. Someone else can pay the price.

Mumble mumble to myself


New member
Local shop in Houston has several thousand of all primer brands and sizes except Winchester. Prices are generally $33/thou on the standards, and $50/thou on any of the bench rest primers. So a few dollazrs more per thousand than before the election, but nothing like what some people are seeing.

The only exception to that is the Fiocchi small rifle primers. $52/thou. Not sure if those are "bench rest" type/quality already, or just more for some other reason...

Still have some boxes of Winchester SP Magnums primers I bought way back when that are tagged at $15.99/thou. Maybe 15 yrs old?


New member
The only exception to that is the Fiocchi small rifle primers. $52/thou. Not sure if those are "bench rest" type/quality already, or just more for some other reason...

Fiocchi primers are sold in boxes of 1,500, hence the higher price.

$62.99 1,000 ct. Fed primers is nuts. That's price gouging big time.

chris in va

New member
And I thought $39 was steep.

Tell him you can buy ONE box online, pay the hazmat fee and *still* get it cheaper than what he's asking.:rolleyes:


$62.99 1,000 ct. Fed primers is nuts. That's price gouging big time.

It may seem insane, but that's not price gouging - it's free market economics - you're free to NOT pay that price and take your business elsewhere. If enough people do that, then the store owner will have two choices - sit on them for forever and a day, or put them on sale to move the inventory through his books.


New member
Gun show this past Saturday, lots of primers to be had at $50 per 1000. One table had some at $37 per 1000. These prices are still high but at least they were there to look at, better than past months when there was none to be had.


Price gouging discourages hoarding and hoarding is exactly why we're having a shortage. You can thank all your fellow shooters who went out and bought a truckload of stuff they didn't need for the jacked up prices. As usual, Chicken Little ruins it for everybody.


New member
Before everything went into a tailspin I used to pay $32.50 per thousand for small pistol and everyone told me I was getting reamed.

Seems darned reasonable right now <sigh>.


New member
newbiw-reloader, welcome to The Firing Line!

Those are PMC's version of a "non-toxic" primer. I wouldn't be afraid to use them. The price isn't bad being that it's in line with Widener's and Powder Valley. I don't know anything about the retailer.
I got a box of CCI large rifle at for $37 + hazmat and it was still cheaper. That and some VIHT N-150 cost me $101. But just started reloading and havent started buying in bulk yet either.