Primer system on Lee Classic Turret


New member
So I'm getting a little frustrated with my Lee Classic Turret press. Everything works great so far, except the priming system.
When I transfer a primer (large or small) to the primer arm cup and lower the ram to align the primer wit the bottom of the case, the primer arm either doesn't hinge at the right time, or at the right place, because the top of the primer gets caught on the bottom of the shell holder, usually resulting in the primer being ejected from the cup, or turned sideways and crushed by the shell holder.
Has anyone else encountered this? Any fixes?

I'm not sure my description is very good, so I included pictures:).
In the first pic, you can see the primer in the primer arm cup.
In the second picture, hopefully you can see where the primer makes contact with the shell holder on the "upswing" of the press handle.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1376527019.836677.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1376527064.062759.jpg


New member
I just ordered one of these presses so I'm interested in the answer. Would it be possible to glue something where the primer arm makes contact with the base of the press to move it sooner/further when the ram comes down?


New member
Make sure that the primer seater is properly seated in the ram. Take the shell holder out, raise the ram about halfway up, slide the primer seater in the slot and make sure it goes ALL the way down, then slide on your shell holder. Also make sure there are no spent primers stuck inside that are causing the primer seater to not seat correctly in its mount.

I've had the same issue a few times. Taking it apart and putting it back seems to work every time.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I have a shellholder or two that catch occasionally. You can grind the bottom of the shellholder down a bit so it misses. I've never had one catch so bad that it launched or crushed a primer.


New member
Turn your shell holder 90 degrees and see if your problem goes away.

Take a look my attached picture. You will see the shell holder turned approximately 90 degrees, as stated above. In the picture you will see I have my auto indexing feature disconnected (personal preference). I say that so it will not mess with your mind as you look at the picture. :)


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New member
Remove the primer arm. Polish the sides of the arm with emery paper (lay paper on a flat surface. Rub the flat side of the primer arm flat on the paper until all burrs are gone and both sides are smooth). Make sure the channel in the ram is clean (use a brush to get all dirt, gunk, etc. out of the channel) and lightly oil the sides of the arm. Then try it again with a smooth, continuous movement...

Lost Sheep

New member
JimDandy said:
Also I'm a big fan of hand priming when working on a turret or single stage.
Priming off-press is preferred by a lot of folks for various good reasons and if you do batch processing is not all that onerous. But if you do continuous processing, the extra handling slows the throughput tremendously.

Besides, I like the feel of priming on-press better than hand-priming. The extra leverage lets me be so gentle and (I find) does not reduce the "feel" of the primer seating. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and this one is mine. My shooting buddy (who I taught to reload) prefers his hand priming.

Lost Sheep


New member
I don't like to prime off the press personally, but I respect and understand that some people do. After reading several other forums, I have determined that unless I am willing to disassemble my press, my only real option is to Jerry rig something to make the primer arm tilt back and fall down earlier.
Several other people that have experienced the same problem as I am experiencing seem to have come to the conclusion that you either by a good press from Lee or a bad press. And you never really know which one you're going to get until you've got it, unfortunately.
I've attached pictures of what I came up with, but I agree with what many have said in other places: I don't believe I should have to make alterations to a new product; it should either work, or it should be replaced. I may end up calling Lee anyway, but until then, this is the best I could do.
I taped a piece if crumpled up duct tape inside the groove where the primer arm contacts the press base as the ram descends. It seems to cause the primer arm to tip inward early enough to slide downward into alight meant with the primer pocket of the case.


New member
I still don't understand why you have the mouth of the shell case holder facing the front of the press? Even if it ends up not affecting the priming operation it will pull out when you remove your brass.

As in the picture I attached earlier, you will see where I turn mine about 90 degrees. Have you tried it that way. I have two lee 4 hole turret presses and don't have the problem you are referring to. I also think the instructions tell you to insert the shell holder and turn it about 90 degrees.
You then slip the brass into the turret press from the side and not from the front. :confused:
I've never had a problem with mine. I do have the shell holder at a 90 degree angle. I agree with pulling the shell holder and making sure it's in there properly. If its binding you might try a touch of graphite to lube it. HOOSIER


New member
The issue seems to originate as the cup goes through the shell holder and
disengages the arm from the cross pin so it is out of position for the next stroke.While it is a good idea to stone the edges there's plenty clearance as
it is.Probably a positive upward motion and a sharp stop is a better way to
handle this since that would reset the arm back.
It is hard to see how the duct tape solution would work but then you can't
argue with success.


New member
I still don't understand why you have the mouth of the shell case holder facing the front of the press? Even if it ends up not affecting the priming operation it will pull out when you remove your brass.

As in the picture I attached earlier, you will see where I turn mine about 90 degrees. Have you tried it that way. I have two lee 4 hole turret presses and don't have the problem you are referring to. I also think the instructions tell you to insert the shell holder and turn it about 90 degrees.
You then slip the brass into the turret press from the side and not from the front. :confused:

Rotating the shell holder was the first (and most commonly suggested) fix attempt, but it did not solve the issue with my press. I meant to mention that I had tried that, but I forgot. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I had dismissed your idea, but I had already tried it before you suggested it. I appreciate it all the same, though.

I know several people (my brother being one of those) that have the exact same press, but no issues like I'm having. I'm NOT trying to bash Lee's products, as I believe them to be quality products for the price. I'm only interested in a solution, not hate. Solutions first, blame later;)

Anyways. I digress. I have consulted the Lee videos, other user-submitted videos, and other forums. My last resort will be to call/email Lee and see if they can be any more specific that you guys have been, but other posts have made me less than hopeful of Lee's tech customer service. But I'll let my own experiences decide for me ultimately.

My fix may look bad, but it works for moment until I can call Lee. I'll let y'all know the outcome.


New member
Primer system on Lee Turret

It looks like your primer arm is not seated all the way down in the shaft.
Suggestion: See if the primers holders center screw can be tighten down more. As they will work themselves loose if not tighten down properly.


Real Gun

New member
Mine didn't run quite right until I loosened the bolt that holds the primer tray and aligned the primer dispenser perfectly with the primer arm. First, the primer arm determines where the shell holder gets centered. I had already filed the edges of the primer arm and cup and sprayed everything with One Shot (wax lubricant).